Page 17 of Mafie Kings

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The poor guy takes a step back and gestures to the mats. “Pair up. Everyone will go at least one round, so I can rank you all.” Then he walks, or rather stomps, away.

She looks around the class, and our gazes meet. Her eyes widen, probably at the blood splattered across my face. She looks at the guy behind me, then calls after the instructor. “You plan to let him bleed out all over these fancy ass mats?” she shouts.

Everyone looks back at me, then they notice my opponent lying on the ground with blood pooling around his face. Alexi and Damien are visibly shocked, along with Savage, and most of the class.

Wow, thanks for the faith guys.

I look back at my Lucky Charm, and she smiles. No hint of surprise on her face. The instructor makes a call, and medics come running with a stretcher to collect Meathead.

I walk up to our girl and lean in to whisper in her ear while no one is looking. “Thanks for the luck,” I say, straightening back up and folding my arms as I look through the rest of the students picking partners.

She doesn't look at me when she replies. “That's a good look on you, Ghost. The blood really brings out your eyes.'' Then she walks to the mats, pairing off with someone.

I can't help the grin that spreads across my face. Maybe, just maybe, this next year won't be so bad after all.

Alexi walks up to me and squeezes my shoulder.

“Damn, bro, didn't know you had it in you,” Damien says. “Fifty bucks says he has to have half his face reconstructed.”

“That's what the hospital here does, D. The best surgeons and doctors the mafia has,” Alexi replies. He's distracted though, glancing over at our girl while she’s fighting a man twice her size.

I watch her, fully mesmerized by her movements, even more impressed with her fighting skills than I was with her running. But as I pay closer attention, it looks like she's holding back. It takes the full five rounds, but our girl wins with a brutal knockout. I look at Alexi.A grin that only the devil can give splits across his face.

“What?” I ask.

He keeps his eyes on her. “We will let her enjoy her freedom until lunch, then she’s ours.”

My fists clench, and the moment of victory I achieved is gone in a flash. He sees her strength, sees her will to fight. He’s going to try to break her.

Chapter 10

I feel their presence before I see them, like a dark cloud coming to rain on my day. I’ve spent the morning waiting for them to pounce, my nerves on edge with anxiety. I was surprised after I met Lev this morning. He was easy going and the conversations seemed to flow between us. He wasn't demanding and didn't pry, he even brought me coffee.

I thought maybe the whole idea of me being their possession was a joke. Maybe they would just leave me alone unless they needed something. That idea was quickly squashed as I made my way to my gym locker. I open it lazily, not wanting them to notice their presence is already affecting me.

As I close it, Ghost approaches. His white hair and glass-green eyes make him hard to miss. But it isn’t just that. So much about him lures me in. He smells like spice and pine, like a man in the wilderness. The scent alone makes my eyes fall closed for a brief second.

His voice pulls me from my thoughts. “Hey there, Lucky Charm,” he says, making me freeze instantly. My father used to call me that.

My anxiety multiplies as he stares at me with no emotion. He’s so different from this morning. I’m convinced he figured out my identity, even though my uncle swore to me that was impossible. It isn’t until he winks at me that I remember giving him my last lucky charm this morning.

That must be where the nickname came from.

I don’t respond, though, too fixated on his mouth to be bothered with words.

A shadow approaches me from behind, and I feel a presence like a magnetic pull, forcing me to turn toward him. His scent surrounds me more and more with each step. He approaches me slowly, crowding my personal space in an attempt to cage me against the lockers.

There’s a shit-eating grin on his face; he knows exactly what he’s doing. When he smiles, I notice hints of blonde hair that peek out of his closely trimmed, dark brown beard. He towers over me with his large frame, looking like a professional bodybuilder. All of his features are sharp and intense. Yet, when I look into his soft brown eyes, past his deep brown hair falls slightly across them, I feel almost… safe.

He bites his lip while he looks me up and down, and I find myself fixated on his mouth, too. His lips part just slightly before he smiles seeing where my gaze is caught. I quickly look away, just in time for the leader of the trio to flank my left side, fully blocking any exit.

My left-hand twitches to reach for my blades. The feeling of being surrounded puts me on edge, but I remind myself to remain calm. They cage me in on all sides. And with the light shining from behind them, they almost look like angels, coming to save me from this hell on earth.

I look at the final member of the Kings, and he gives me a grin that feels like half a smile and half a threat. One I've seen reflected on my face right before I swipe my blade in a perfect arch and carve a beautifully straight line into someone's jugular.

Seeing my personal brand of crazy in his eyes, I realize these men aren’t angels coming to save me, but demons that could rival my own. A strong feeling in the bottom of my stomach tells me that these men could destroy me.

Why does that thought have me instantly wet?
