Page 18 of Mafie Kings

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I clench my thighs together slowly. This sensation is so new to me.Men like this don’t turn me on. What is wrong with me?

Someone clears their throat, snapping me back to reality.

“I believe it is time introductions are made,” the one to my left says. He’s taller than the other two. He has a broad chest, and his body is cut like a swimmer's. His skin is porcelain like the one to my right, but not as covered in tattoos. It’s flawless. He’s such a contrast to the man in front of me. Tattoos cover this one’s tan skin, drawing my attention to him instead of the one speaking.

“My name is Alexi Mikhaus. This,” he points to the god-like man in front of me, “is Damien Obshchak and Lev Sovitnick. Although, I believe you and Lev have already met.” I look to Alexi when he says that, intrigued by the fact that Lev was talking about me. His eyes narrow like that thought pisses him off, but he doesn't elaborate. He just looks at me, lifting his eyebrow like he’s waiting for something.

“I’m Evie,” I say standing perfectly still. I won’t cower in their presence. They may be Kings, but I’m not one to bow. After finding that my file went missing this morning, I have a strong feeling that these men know all they need to know about me, or at least they think they do.

Seeing I have nothing else to add, he moves on. “We are the Kings and have been informed that you are ours for the next year. I assume now is a good time to tell you what will be expected of you.” He squares his shoulders and crosses his arms over his chest, making his biceps bulge under his suit jacket as he crowds closer. “The first, and most important rule is, I expect you to do as you’re told.”

He looks like someone who’s used to getting his way. Someone who uses his dominating presence to overwhelm others into submission. He’s wearing a custom-fitted suit that hugs every inch of his body perfectly. My mouth waters as I look him up and down. His bright blue eyes stare directly into mine. It’s like he's searching for something, or waiting for me to submit to him. Instead, I stare right back, letting him know his gaze isn’t anything to back away from while also trying to hide the fact that my brain wants to drool over him.

Holy shit, E, get it together here.

After a minute, his brows pinch just slightly. It’s the only sign he gives that lets me know I’ve affected him in any way. But I have a feeling that small movements are a big deal for someone like him. “Come on, Princess, you’ll come with us, and we’ll go over everything.”

He uncrosses his arms as he turns to walk away. Lev gestures for me to follow, and I move forward while he and Damien surround me on either side. I try not to fixate on the ridiculous nickname he’s given me. I’m not a princess, I’m a motherfucking queen, and he’s going to figure that out quickly. I may have to do as I’m told, but if I’ve learned anything is that there’s a loophole to every rule.

As we enter the food hall, I notice it's been rearranged since this morning. The room is modern with white walls and a gray floor and white tables, but the new addition is a twelve-foot black suede sofa that looks like a throne sitting in the center. There are three small tables in front, fit with a red tablecloth and dining utensils.

The guys head straight to it. “I'll take the smoked salmon with sweet potatoes and a glass of oak-aged chardonnay,” Alexi says with a wave of dismissal as he sits in the center. I look around for a waiter or someone. Only once I've made a full three sixty, I realize he’s talking to me.

So that's how he's going to play this. Test me to see how well I follow orders. I hold back the darkness that's attempting to stretch back my skin and take over. I don’t appreciate it when someone assumes I'm inferior to them. I remind myself to play nice, that this is a test I need to pass to get on their good side. I nod firmly at Alexi, then look at Damien next.


I wait for a moment, not happy with the idea of only serving him alcohol. Alexi looks at him disapprovingly. Damien shrugs, but his lips tighten into a thin line, his jaw clenches, and he looks away.

“Want some pizza with it?” I ask, trying to help get him out of whatever he’s thinking so I can get my own food. I’m fucking starving. He looks back at me slightly surprised and nods. He stares off in a different direction, propping his head on his fist, and I take that as my cue to move on.

I look at Lev, but he’s focused on his phone. I clear my throat to try to get his attention, but when he still doesn’t lift his head, I move to stand right in front of him.

“Yes?” he asks, oblivious to the fact that I’m apparently their waitress now.

I smile at him, playing the game like a puppet all the while bile churns in my stomach. “Did you want to eat today, Ghost?”

“Oh, yeah, sure,” he mumbles before looking up at me. “Something simple with a bottle of water would be great,” he says, then pauses as he looks me up and down like he’s only just realized how close we are. Heat rushes to my face when his eyes lock on my lips. He notices, and that smirk he was already wearing turns into a pleased smile.

“And maybe a little dessert,” he says under his breath.

I nod quickly rushing off to get their orders and take a moment to get myself into character. I am submissive, flirtatious, and willing to take food orders if it means making my time here easier. Here, I’m not a warrior who wants to slit the throats of people who think they can give me orders.

Tablets line the back wall where we order. I type in their preferences, and get Damien a pizza covered in all variety of meat. He has to eat a shit ton of protein to maintain his physique.

Seeing as I have a few minutes before it's ready, I walk over to grab their drinks. I reach for a whole bottle of top-shelf vodka for Damien. I assume he’s a heavy drinker, so the quality probably doesn’t matter, but better safe than sorry. I grab a bottle of water for Lev, choosing the same one he had this morning. It takes me a moment to find a good wine for Alexi, but I grab a decent bottle hoping it will meet his taste and a wine opener.

I walk the drinks back over to them while the kitchen prepares their food. When I hand Damien the whole bottle, he gives me a side smirk and a wink that makes me blush. I’m not going to have to fake a damn thing with that man. I hand Lev his water, and he seems happy that I noticed his preference.

I approach Alexi last, intentionally. I want to get his attention, and nothing grabs a man's attention more than someone ignoring their authority. I present him with the wine bottle, and he gives me a nod of approval.

I know he wants me to uncork and pour it for him, but even I have my limits. I place the bottle in front of him. Then, with a bit of force, I drop the opener next to it. The sound of it carries through the room, silencing those sitting close to us. A bell rings signaling their food is ready, and I rush over to grab it. I carefully lift the tray, but when I turn to face them, I notice people staring. Some look from me to Alexi like they’re waiting for something to happen. Unbothered, I bring it over and present it to each of them. I make sure to save Alexi for last, again.

The sensation of everyone staring as I set Alexi’s plate in front of him is ominous and overwhelming. I can practically feel the tension radiating off him. His jaw is set, and his fists clench with each breath. The room is nearly silent now, as if they’re all holding their breath, waiting for him to pounce.

For a moment, I almost regret pissing him off right away, but I can’t find it in me to care about the reaction I’m getting out of him. The silence in the room grows, like smoke slowly building until I’m suffocating. I need to get away. I scan the crowd, finding my friend in bright pink not too far away. I turn around in a rush to order, hoping that if I sit with Laney, she will fill the silence.

“Where do you think you’re going, Princess?” The room goes deathly silent, all eyes pinned on me.
