Page 35 of Mafie Kings

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“Just because you’re a King doesn’t mean you’re above the rules,” he starts. “It’s important to carry a weapon because we all must always be ready to defend ourselves.”

“And what weapon is it that you carry?” I ask.

“I carry two guns and three knives with me at all times,” he states proudly.

“And you believe with all five of those weapons you’re better fit to take on an opponent than I am?”

“Most def…” His words are cut off when my fist connects with his throat. But I’m not done yet. As he staggers back, I hit him with a jab to the gut and a right hook to his temple.

The man drops like a sack of potatoes and my point is made. I walk away from his knocked out ass and decide I need a fucking shower.

I reach our four-room suite, on its own floor, and grab a new bandage from Lev’s dresser before heading to the bathroom. Right as I’m about to get into the steamed up glass enclosure of the shower, my phone rings with a video call. I shut off the water before answering.

“Father, what can I do for you today?” I ask, sarcasm lacing my tone.

“Don’t get that tone with me, boy. You might not be here but don’t think you can escape my punishment,” he threatens.

I visibly roll my eyes. I haven't been afraid of his threats of punishment for a long time now.

“What do you want? I have class,” I ask.

“I wanted to let you know I have high expectations for your class today. That new car of yours has the potential to put you in the top ranks.”

Big news, my father called to notify me he had high expectations. It’s like I missed the past fifty beatings with him reminding me I needed to be the best, to be number one.

“When it comes to driving, Father, we both know Iamthe best, so there's no reason to worry,” I tell him, hoping this conversation ends soon.

He stares at me for a minute before nodding and ending the call with, “Don’t embarrass me.”

Hate you too, dick face.

Lev and Alexi might hate this island and the expectations that come with it. I, on the other hand, am relieved to finally escape the sociopathic narcissist that is my father. I get into the shower and attempt to let the heat relieve the tension in my body that the call from my father created. It’s amazing how just hearing his voice is enough to cause my entire body to tense.

I’m stepping out when my phone rings again, the dark knight himself calling. Can’t I get an hour to myself?

“What?” I answer, a little too sharply.

“Want to try again?” Alexi asks.

I take a deep breath before going to sit on my bed. “Fuck. My bad, bro. My father just called and my head isn’t right.”

“Need to talk about it?” he asks. No pressure in his tone, just genuinely asking if I need someone to listen. I shake my head, knowing he can't see me as I answer.

“No, thanks. What’s up? Everything okay?” I ask.

“Actually, everything is not okay. I was about to have Lev fetch our little pet when guess who came walking by?” I don't answer him. It was a rhetorical question, and I won't give him the satisfaction of talking to me like I’m a child.

“Care to explain why she’s out of her cage?” he asks.

“If I cared to explain, then I would have told you before now. I know this might come as a shock to you, Lex, but she isn't just yours.”

“Exactly, she isn’t just any one of ours. Except, when I try to punish her for something she did to me, the two of you seem to keep overriding it.”

“She’s not your fucking punching bag, Lex! She’s useless to us if she’s broken. You say all the time you don’t want to rule with fear. If you keep doing this, all you’re going to accomplish is making everyone afraid of you. Do you want to be your father, or do we want to be better?

“My father would have kicked her off the island the second she disobeyed. I’m not my father, but I’m not finished with this. That behavior won’t be tolerated. It’s your turn to pick a punishment. This time shewillfollow through with it,” he says, almost like a threat.

I lean forward and pinch the bridge of my nose. I don't want to do this. The only thing Evie is guilty of to me is giving me a raging hard-on and not fixing it. But I know Alexi, and he’s not going to let this go.
