Page 36 of Mafie Kings

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“Fine,” I relent, “I'll pick something. If I do this though, I do it my way. No interruptions from you. Deal?”

There is a long pause before he finally answers. “Deal.” He ends the call, and I toss my phone down. Punishments aren't really my thing unless torture’s involved, and I have a feeling that wouldn't go over well here. I don't want to break her like Alexi seems hell-bent on doing, but I do want to see what she's made of. I want to get to know her.

Small spaces and her clothes have meaning to her. How can I get to see more of her without causing a reaction like she had today in the closet? I walk over to the mirror to apply the new bandage. An idea comes to mind as I glance out into our loft. I look back at my reflection and smile. Alexi and Evie will both hate it, but I don't think it will trigger her fight-or-flight response.


Chapter 19

I’m standing in line to get food when Damien walks in. Alexi gives him a look, and I instantly know another punishment is coming. Before any of them can approach me, I forego my lunch and approach their table.

“Alright, what is it this time? Gonna spank me like the child you claim I am?” I ask Alexi. He readjusts his sleeves then clenches his fists, but it's Damien who speaks up.

“If you’re offering to bend over the table, I have other ideas,” he remarks with a smirk on his face.

I flip him off and he laughs.

“I knew you were a spitfire, Little Shadow, but if you keep flirting with me like this I’ll have no choice but to find a fun way to punish you.”

I roll my eyes at him. “Punishments aren't meant to be fun,” I tell him, even though goosebumps erupt down my body at the idea of being punished by Damien. “So, let's get this over with. What's the punishment for getting out of the closet early?” I ask, looking at Alexi. I’m not about to tell him it was Damien who let me out.

He shakes his head at me. “It’s Damien's turn,” he says, waving his hand in dismissal to give Damien the floor.

I turn to him and cross my arms over my chest, “Okay, Sunshine, what's it gonna be?”

His smile widens. “Pack your stuff, you’re moving in with us.”

My eyes widen in shock. The air thickens with tension around us. I know they can sense my need to fight and push the emotion back. The monster just beneath the surface of my skin is clawing at me, thirsting for a brawl. Alexi’s body is tense, coiled like a snake ready to strike the second my mouth opens, Damien is smiling like a kid in a candy store, and Lev doesn't even appear to be in the same room as us, judging by the distant look in his eyes.

Instead, I decide to surprise us all.

“Okay,” I say shrugging and head back to grab lunch.

Alexi’s brows pinch together, and it takes a minute for Damien to hurry after me. “What do you mean, okay? Where are you going?” he asks.

I stop and turn to him. “I’m going to get a sandwich then pack my things. Shouldn't take long. Want to join me? I don’t know where my new room is.”

Honestly, accepting this is a little too easy. There are a lot of positive things this arrangement can bring. I'll still have my own space. It will be easier to use their resources, and I can find a way to get on their good side if we’re living together.

Damien is still standing next to me, his lips slightly parted in shock and eyebrows crinkled.

“You know,” I say as I type in my sandwich order, “if you keep your face scrunched up like that, you’re going to get wrinkles.”

He chuckles under his breath and types in his own order behind me. I'm realizing none of them told me to get their lunch. I must have really stumped them by accepting this ‘punishment’ so easily.

Our sandwiches come up, and we grab them before I lead Damien to my room.

I throw my clothes in my bags and grab the few toiletries I acquired. It takes me less than ten minutes to gather everything and sling the duffle over my back.

“That’s it?” he asks me and I nod. Just as we’re about to walk out of the suite, Laney comes in.

“Oh, hey, I was going to see if you wanted to..” she trails off looking at Damien then my bag, and her shoulders slouch.

“They’re making you stay with them?” she asks, even though she can see the answer.

I nod and go to pull her onto a hug. I'm not affectionate normally, but we’ve started getting close, and I hate that I have to leave the only friend I've made.

“What about Sunday movie nights?” she asks, pulling back.
