Page 45 of Mafie Kings

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“Motherfucker!” she exclaims, her voice hoarse.

“Hey there, Lucky Charm,” I say. Watching her gasp like that makes my stomach sink. None of the monitors went off so I’m assuming it’s a result of her night terrors. I make a mental note to do some research about those. I need to know if there’s any way I can help her get through them. She takes a minute to let her eyes adjust to the light before looking at me.

“I’m sorry,” she says under her breath. “Are you okay?”

I nod reassuringly. I don’t want her to worry about me. I want her to focus on how she’s feeling. “Do you remember what happened?” I ask her.

She nods slowly before placing her face in her hands.

“I thought I saw someone… on the track.” She shakes her head that’s still buried in her hands. “I thought I could make it all stop.”

Who does she think she saw? Was she trying to run someone over? Was it Alexi?

A million questions swirl around in my head before I finally rub a hand through her hair and push it to the side. I remind myself this isn’t about me, it’s about her. She will tell me when she’s ready, when she trusts me.

I kneel beside the bed and put my finger under her chin to make her look at me. “Who?” I ask her gently. I don’t need to know, but I want her to know that she can talk to me when she’s ready. Her eyes look away from me, and I see a tiny tremble in her bottom lip.

Suddenly, the door to the room crashes against the wall. It makes Evie flinch as what appears to be a very pissed-off Damien, comes walking in.

“Anyone care to explain why I got a call saying you and Evie were in the hospital?” he asks, a little too loudly.

Evie visibly cringes from the volume and Damien's eyes snap toward her.

“Take it easy, Sunshine,” Evie tells him, covering her ears dramatically. “We’re fine.”

I was slightly banged up. Some scratches on my arms and a few bruises, but overall, I’m fine. Evie took the brunt of the hit. She still has blood caked in her hair. I'm sure there’s glass in there, too.

Damien looks at her before raising his brows. “You don’t look fine,” he says, gesturing to her.

“Then don’t look,” she snaps at him while rubbing her temples. “Sorry… I just… I haven't slept more than twenty minutes in three days.” A heavy sigh escapes her. “And your voice isn’t helping this headache.”

Glad to see she’s got some of that fire still in her.

“Speaking of that,” I chime in, careful to keep my voice low, “the doctor, Doc, said we could…”

Damien cuts me off with a chuckle. “Wait, his name is Doc?”

“Yes, now as I was saying,” I continue as Damien laughs under his breath, “he said we can take you back to the suite. You’re supposed to stay in bed and rest for the next twenty-four hours. Your medical bracelet will come off in the morning as long as you have no problems.”

“Like fuck am I staying in bed for twenty-four hours,” she says, looking at me like I grew a second head.

Damien stands at the end of her bed and crosses his arms. “You will if that’s what they told you was best,” he states authoritatively, leaving no room for arguing.

But this girl isn’t one to back down.

“I’ll give you eight hours,” she counters.

Damien lifts an eyebrow. “Twelve.”

Evie goes to open her mouth, but I speak first, “Twelve, and I’ll put your doors back on and change the locks.”

She looks at me with hope in her eyes, but then as fast as it appeared, it diminishes. “I don’t think Alexi will allow that,” she says, sounding defeated.

“Alexi doesn’t make all the rules. Whatever you did to piss him off, you’ve served your time. Your heart fucking stopped, Evie.” Her eyes go wide then as she puts a hand over her chest. That probably wasn’t the best way to break it to her that she basically died, but the words are out there.

She looks between the both of us like she’s waiting for one of us to deny what I just said.

When neither of us back down, she drops her hands and lays back. “Okay, starting now.” She huffs with an authoritative sass, crossing her arms over her chest. Her head is raised in defiance, and she looks so damn cute, busted head and all. She is definitely living up to Alexi’s nickname of Princess at the moment. I bite my cheek to stifle my grin. I’m not messing around after seeing her lifeless body in that car. I’m standing firm on this.
