Page 48 of Mafie Kings

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I was so angry that she looked like that, so broken. But when her eyes locked onto mine, I could feel her resolve, her fight still brewing. I was finally able to breathe.

Except, that's when a third emotion hit me. One I haven’t faced since my mother. I fucking care about this girl.

I’ve never cared about anyone before, aside from my boys and my mother. Sure, I’ve had my fair share of women and men in my bed, but I honestly couldn't have cared less if they snapped their necks falling down the stairs leaving the next morning. In fact, I hardly let them stay till the next morning.

So why is it that in just five short days, this one has my head spinning? Carrying her in my arms was pure torture. Not because she was heavy, but because her scent was so close. All I could think about was throwing her down right there and having my way with her.

When she tried to hit me, much harder than I expected by the way, it turned me on so much I had to carry her a little higher so she didn't feel the boner in my sweatpants. I feel like a teenager who’s never had sex before when I’m around her, like I don't know what the fuck to do with myself.

It’s nearing dinner time, and I know Lev hasn’t left her side. We didn’t talk much about what happened, but I have a feeling that's coming. I can tell he cares about her, which is weird.

Lev has always been a loner. In fact, I would have thought the guy was a virgin if I hadn’t personally seen him take a handful of women home with him. He never lets them stay either. Lev and I share a wall at the apartment, which is how I also know for a fact, the guy knows what he’s doing in bed. Those swift computer fingers must be pretty talented for other purposes as well.

There were a handful of times I almost asked him if I could watch. I always chickened out. Lev, even though he’s quiet, can be very intimidating. I try not to let him see how much he affects me, but I have a weird feeling he’s figured it out. I shower at the gym before running to the food hall and grabbing myself, Lev, and Evie something to eat. My Little Shadow still has five hours left in that bed.

When I get back I notice Alexi’s door is closed. That’s his way of saying he doesn’t want to be bothered. Lev is on the couch, his phone alarm going off. He silences it before walking over to help me bring in dinner.

“Perfect timing,” he says, “What did you all get?”

“I got your favorite,” I tell him, handing him one of the large Smartwater bottles. He smirks at me. “Don’t worry, I got you food, too.” I joke with him. We set the boxes in the kitchen, and I hand him his pineapple pizza.Weirdo. I grab my pizza with every kind of meat stacked on top before grabbing a beer and setting it all on the large coffee table.

“I’ll go get her,” I tell him, walking to her door.

“Wake her carefully,” he warns.

Well if that wasn’t a weird ass comment. She’s five foot two, what’s she gonna do?

I knock before entering, then open the door. This girl is passed out, with her arms above her head. “Hey Little Shadow, I got you dinner,” I say, putting a hand on her shoulder and shaking her slightly.

She doesn’t move except for her head falling to the side. I try to shake her again, not too roughly.


“Lev!” I call out. I move my hands to her chest and notice she isn’t breathing. Lev walks in as I go to feel for a pulse. Panic begins settling into my bones when a small hand wraps around my arm, startling me.

Evie's eyes shoot open, a smirk on her lips. “Gotcha,” she says.

For a moment I stand there, staring at her. In what world is it a joke to pretend not to breathe? Actually, no, that sounds about right. Our world is pretty fucked up. But dammit the panic is still present in my chest.

“You okay, Sunshine?” she asks, snapping me out of my daze.

“Not funny, Little Shadow.” Her smile falls, and I instantly miss it. “If anyone is going to take your breath away, it’s going to be me,” I joke, and I’m relieved when her smile returns. Lev just rolls his eyes and leaves the room.

“Come on, I’ll move you to the couch so we can eat,” I say, scooping her up in my arms.

“I can walk, you know.”

“Consider you letting me carry you to the couch, a way of apologizing for scaring the shit out of me,” I say as I pull her closer to me.

She gives in with an eye roll, wrapping an arm around my neck. “Oh please, if I was gone all of your lives would be easier,” she says. I stop instantly, just the idea of her not being in our lives feels earth-shattering.

Lev looks over at her, a pained expression on his face. Fuck, he really does care.

I look down at her in my arms, “I never asked for an easy life,” I tell her. “If having you with us brings more challenges, I’ll gladly accept them.” Her lips part slightly, and fuck me with a dildo in the ass if that isn’t the most boner-worthy sight I’ve ever seen.

“I’ll accept them too,” Lev says as I place Evie next to him on the couch.

It’s a large sectional, but Lev and I sit shoulder-to-shoulder with Evie.
