Page 50 of Mafie Kings

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After the movie, the guys finally let me shower. Lev insisted on waiting in my room in case I needed him. When I tried to argue, Damien jumped in and threatened to sit in the bathroom with me. I gave in to Lev and pointedly ignored Damien's suggestion since I was desperate to wash the blood out of my hair; it was all crusty.

Part of me is thankful for the accident. It got me my doors back, and I slept more than a few hours at a time once Lev finally stopped coming in to wake me every hour. I feel more rested than I have in years.

I get up and walk to the door, unlocking it to find two boxes waiting for me. I pick them up, taking them to my bed, before going to close and lock the door behind me. These boys will not be getting in here unless I let them.

I open up the first box to find a fitted black dress. While it will cover my skin, there won’t be much left to the imagination. I open the second box to find some strappy sandals. They look like fancy boat shoes.

I look in the mirror once I slide it on, the dress fits like a glove, highlighting all of my curves. The shoes are surprisingly comfortable. I move to walk in the dress, when it begins to ride up, exposing some of the scars on the back of my thighs. They aren’t the worst scars, mostly just pink spots from healed blisters.

I go through my bag, pulling out some shorter tight gym shorts I can wear under the dress. Slipping them on, I walk again to test them out. They seem to help hold the dress down.

My medical bracelet beeps once and then unlocks. I take it off and set it on my nightstand so I can return it later. Rubbing my wrist I walk to the door.

A knock sounds right as the clock clicks to eight-thirty. I know it’s Alexi. Part of me wants to test him, make him wait for one more minute to see what will happen. I sigh, deciding against it though. He listened to me and met me halfway about the bikini. I’ll be on time for him today like he asked.

I open the door, finding Alexi standing a step back in black board shorts paired with a tight black tank top. My eyes go to his muscular arms before I can stop them. He has some tattoos, but nothing like Lev and Damien. You can see all of Alexi’s are placed so that they won’t show if he’s wearing a suit.

When I finally look in his eyes, there’s something there. I can usually read men like a book, but something about the three of them has me stumped. I’m starting to understand Lev and Damien, but Alexi’s like a brick wall. We both stand there, looking each other up and down before a throat clears on the other side of the room.

“When the two of you are done staring at each other, want to head to the boat?” Damien asks, a knowing smirk on his face.

Watching that movie last night with Damien and Lev was a bad idea. Part of me connects with them both on a deeper level, and my heart wants me to explore that. My brain, on the other hand, knows good and well that could only end in disaster. I need to keep my distance from them for a while.

Instead of acknowledging him, I walk past both of them to the door. I vaguely know where the docks are, but I assume Alexi will want to lead. I step to the side once I’m out the door so he can take point. He begins to walk ahead, then pauses, surprising me by slowing to match my pace and walking beside me. Damien and Lev follow behind.

“When we get to the boat, I’ll take you to the kitchen,” Alexi begins. “A few people there will show you where things are while Damien, Lev, and I welcome our guests. When you’re finished with the tour, we will be on the third-floor sun deck in the hot tub. Once the boat starts moving, meet us up there to get our drink orders. You’re not required to get anything for anyone except those on the top deck.”

I nod in understanding, and he walks me to the kitchen when we get on board. The yacht is much larger than I expected. Like the size of a small cruise ship, and twice as luxurious. Before he leaves, he turns back to me. “If you decide to test me today, I want you to know I won’t hesitate to pull up that tight little dress and spank you.”

My eyes widen at his bold words, while a weird feeling flips in my stomach. Shaking my head, I turn away from him. I'm quite tired of punishments and very aware that Alexi will follow through with everything he says.


I head up the stairs to the top deck an hour later, ready to begin my servant services for the day when I notice a new face. Bryce?

“Princess, come get our drink orders,” Alexi calls out. “Bryce here will be joining us today.” He gestures to the tall dark and handsome man sitting next to him. Bryce gives me a side smile before lifting his arm to rub the back of his neck. I would almost believe he’s being shy if I didn’t distinctly notice him flexing his biceps.

Fucking tool.

“Why don’t you do a little turn for him, Princess? I think I did a good job picking out that dress,” Alexi says, a devilish smile crossing his face.

“Yes, my king,” I say with sarcasm. I turn for him, even though every part of me would rather punch him in the face. Damien and Lev seem bothered by the request, just not enough to speak up about it. Heat rises to my face, not out of embarrassment, but anger. Last night I thought we were bonding, I felt cared for, protected almost. But today it’s like all that’s gone.

Well, two can play that game.

I look at Bryce with a shy smile, flirting with my body just slightly. “Are you thirsty?” I ask him.

His grin grows, “I’ll take an old-fashioned, please.” I let my gaze linger on him just for a moment before asking everyone else what they want.

“I’ll take an iced water,” Alexi says. Damien just shakes his head at the offer and Lev asks for bottled water. I head back down to the kitchen and make the drinks. Filling Alexi’s glass with ice, I debate spitting in it. It’s childish, I’m aware, but I feel the need to do something after he just degraded me like that, acting like I’m his little toy to parade around.

An idea forms in my head. While I know it’s a bad one, I think part of me is craving to see how he will follow through with his promise. Another part of me wants to test Lev and Damien. They act like knights, coming to my rescue just when I’m about to fall over an edge I can’t come back from.

Will they save me this time?


I walk back up to the top deck, the drinks placed strategically on a silver platter. I hand Bryce his drink first and he thanks me. I give Lev a bottle of water, a different brand than he usually drinks, curious to see if he’ll say anything. He takes the water but doesn't open it. Instead, he sits it on the ledge surrounding the hot tub without a word.
