Page 53 of Mafie Kings

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It's the most gentle and genuine hug I have ever received. I hug him back as tears burn my eyes. When we both pull back and look into each other's eyes, I feel a sense of peace wash over me. Like admitting it out loud helped ease the burden. He looks at me like he feels the same.

The door bangs open behind me, causing me to jump. Alexi enters, sucking the light right out of the room with his presence.

“Hello, Angelo,” Alexi says in the nicest voice I’ve ever heard come out of his mouth. “Do you mind if our guest joins you for the rest of the day? I will be sure to have lunch sent up for both of you.”

As he speaks, he doesn’t look my way. In fact, he doesn’t acknowledge my presence at all. He dismisses himself after Angelo agrees, locking the door behind him.

“What a kind man,” Angelo beams. A snort comes out of me at his response. If he only knew the kind of man Alexi really was.

“You may not see it yet, young lady, but that man there, he will give anything to protect those he cares about. He’s the one who paid for all of my daughter's medical bills. Even visited her once a week while she was recovering.”

The shock from his words must read on my face because that is the last thing I would have expected from Alexi.

“Don’t look so surprised,” he chuckles. “That man is a sheep in wolves clothing if I ever knew one.”

While Angelo captains the ship I mull over his words. To him the Kings are heroes. And while I’m glad Angelo was able to see a special side to them, I can’t find it in me to accept that these men are anything more than bullies.


The rest of the day on the boat was uneventful. I sit with Angelo and get to know him while snacking on fruit and enjoying the view of the ocean. When we dock around five in the evening, Alexi comes up to unlock the door. He says nothing, walking away before I’m even out the door.

I assumed that meant I could do what I wanted for the evening. After the car crash, I knew I needed to get back behind the wheel. I don’t want any trauma setting in after my last two driving instances.

I head to the track on the other side of the island, crossing the bridge to flag down the instructor. They stay available for us on the weekends in case we need extra help. He told us his name was Veloz, which I later found out means “speedy” in Portuguese, and now I can’t say it with a straight face.

“Can I take a car around the track for a few laps?” I ask him as I approach.

He gives me a questioning look, clearly not fond of the idea. “Do you feel up to driving already?”

“No,” I reply honestly, “but if I don’t try again soon, I’m afraid I’ll never be.”

A flash of understanding crosses his eyes before he nods. “Take the red Camaro. Slow down on the turns, and take the first few lapsslowly,” he says before grabbing me some keys. “There are two other cars on the track. No racing with anyone or I’ll have all your driving rights revoked.”

I give him a nod before getting into the car. Once I'm seated, I turn the key in the ignition. Anxiety begins to build, but I expected that. I take some calming breaths and start off slow.

A toddler could have ran the first two laps faster than I drove, but by the third I feel my anxiety melt away. My spirit feels lighter as I give the Camaro some gas, pushing it to see what it’s capable of. The red beauty takes the curves with grace, purring as I speed up on the straight aways. After five laps, I’m back in my rhythm. I’ve known how to drive a car around a track since I was fifteen. I just needed a reminder of that.

Not wanting to push it or test the instructor's patience with me, I bring the car back to the garage at the end of the track. As I get out, another car approaches.

Bryce gets out before he notices me, seeming to be in his head about something. His eyebrows are pinched, and his eyes staring at the ground.

“Hey,” I say.

He looks up, slightly startled, before he realizes who I am.

“Oh, hey there Evie,” he says, trying not to make eye contact.

Right, he just watched his buddy fuck my mouth. The thought sends heat to my core. Fuck, I need to get laid.

I take a moment to look Bryce up and down. He isn’t ugly. He could be a decent lay. He might even be enough of a gentleman to make sure I come first.

My body is worked up after today, and I sure as hell don’t want to go back to masturbate in a room right next to Alexi’s.

“Want to ride down to the beach?” I ask Bryce.

He pauses before finally making eye contact. A blush creeps into his cheeks, making him look even more adorable.

“Sure,” he grins. “I’ll drive.”
