Page 54 of Mafie Kings

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Bryce gets into the car and shuts the door. As I walk around to get in, another car pulls into the lot and Damien steps out. He looks right at me and shakes his head.

“No,” he says. I smile at him as I pull open the door and get in. After what he let happen, the last thing I plan on doing is following his orders.

Chapter 27

She heard me. Looked right at me and openly defied me.

I didn’t understand Alexi’s anger with her till now. If she were just anyone, I'd chase her down and beat her until she never thought of defying me again. But she isn’t just anyone. She’s my Little Shadow, and she apparently needs another lesson about how to fuckinglisten. This time, it will be from me.

I get back into my car, moving to follow them, but careful not to get too close. I don't want my Little Shadow to know I'm coming for her. I want to see that look of shock in her eyes when I rip her from that fucking car.

My thoughts drift back to her eyes as Alexi fucked her mouth, the beautiful tears cascading down her cheeks. I was ready to jump in and stop it. All I needed was for her to say no. That was all she had to do, and I would’ve beat the shit out of Alexi, the man I consider a brother, if he didn’t stop right then.

Yet, instead of her saying no, she looked at Alexi with a challenge in her eyes. She knew what he wanted. He wanted her to fight, beg, plead. To submit. She submitted alright. Humming around his cock like it was the best damn piece of candy she’d ever had. The blush that rose from her face to her ears told me something about her.

She fucking liked it.

It took everything in me to leave when I did. I knew that after what Alexi did, he wouldn't be able to look at any of us, not even himself. He may be hard on the outside, but on the inside he cares deeply. Which is why he pretends to hate her so much. It’s why he lashes out with punishments. He likes her, and something about that pisses him off.

I park my car at the top of the beach, looking down at the jeep on the sand. I can see their silhouettes leaning over to each other.

They’re fucking kissing.

Rage like I’ve never known courses through my veins as I get out and storm my way down to their car. I notice the windows are down and debate on dragging her through it by her hair.

“I don’t think I’m into this anymore.” Evie's voice says as I approach the car, causing me to stop in my tracks.

If she stops this on her own and comes back to me, I'll rethink the punishment.

“You’re joking?” Bryce responds. “You go down on your little master, knowing I’m watching, then invite me out here, kiss me, and expect me to just fucking stop? You cock teasing little bitch.”

I knew this guy was going to be a problem. Alexi has no idea what he did by inviting this prick to watch his little show. I knew exactly who he was when he met us on the top deck, and he’s not someone I want around Evie. You’d think with how protective Alexi can be over us that he would do his research on his so called buddies.

Standing behind the jeep, I can see the silhouette of his hand reach out to grab her by the neck.

Red warps my vision as I charge his door and yank it open with full force. I pull him out by his hair, wrenching his head back to make eye contact as he falls to his knees in front of me. Recognition crosses over his face, causing his eyes to go wide.

My fist connects with his nose before I realize I told it to move. A sickening crunch sounds in the air followed by his scream. The most pathetic scream I’ve ever heard in my life. I throw him into the sand face first, shoving him down, my hand wrapped around the back of his head. Smothering him in the grit causing it to firmly coat his lungs.

“WHAT THE FUCK?” Evie screams, running around the front of the jeep.

“Yeah, what the fuck, Bryce?” I ask, letting him up as he sputters up the sand uncontrollably.

A force I didn't expect knocks me to the side. I’m temporarily stunned when I look up to see Evie shoved me off of him.

“Not him, asshole, you! What the fuck is wrong with YOU?” she yells in my face as I move to stand.

I look at her in shock. She's mad atmeright now?

“He called you a bitch and tried to force you,” I practically yell at her, throwing my arms out.

The fire in her eyes makes it look like molten lava is swirling in the gray depths. “You didn’t seem to have a problem with that when Alexi did it,” she retorts with venom lacing her words.

Evie kneels down to Bryce and helps him stand. His pathetic display of choking on sand is already growing old. “Are you alright?” she asks him gently.

He nods at her, hitting his chest with a fist while he sputters like a child.

Evie looks up to me slowly then. “Tell me, Damien,” she starts, her voice deadly calm, “what about me has given you the impression that I can’t handle myself? That I need someone else to fight my battles for me?”
