Page 56 of Mafie Kings

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I wait in his room, twisting my fingers in my hands.

Why did I say yes to this? After how he just sat there and watched, I should be punching him in the dick.

Yet, I didn’t. Not when he ordered me to stay, not when he tried to step in and save me from that fuckface Bryce, not even when he touched me and practically threw me into his car. The truth is, I think there’s something about him that feels familiar, safe even, and I want to see where this goes. On a weird level, I trust that if his punishment is too much, then I can say no and he’ll listen. So, I’m going to see where this leads.

He returns with a silk bag in his hand. “Put these on, then we’re going to get you something to eat,” he says, handing me the bag.

Confused, I open it, sliding out the contents. I almost drop them when I realize what they are. Vibrating panties.

I look at Damien in shock. He looks at me and grins like it's fucking Christmas day and it's his turn to open presents.

Fuck me.

Damein crowds me back to the wall, his voice husky and dark when he says, “You’re going to put those on, then you’re going to come to dinner with me. You’re not allowed to come unless I say so. Got it, Little Shadow?”

My voice is stuck in my throat. My legs clench together as heat pools in my stomach. It sounds like the best form of torture I’ve ever endured. Yet, it also sounds like a dangerous game to play with a man who thinks he owns me.

“Use your words, Little Shadow. Or it all stops…” he seductively purrs as he traces a finger down my neck, stopping right over my pulse point, “and you don’t get to come.”

I flinch back at his words.

“You can’t possibly control that,” I say weakly. Knowing he will try to do exactly that. “Are you going to keep an eye on me at all times again, like Alexi?” I spit Alexi's name like it's a curse.

Damien lets out a laugh, a dangerous laugh that makes me want to run away and jump on top of him at the same time.

“I can, and I will. You no longer get to have those little sessions with your showerhead. We are in charge of when and how you get to come. Next time you decide to run away from me, you should think about the consequences.” A cruel smirk on his lips. He’s serious.

“How would you even know?”

“Oh trust me, I would know,” he says, moving his hand into my hair, tugging just slightly to let me know who’s in control right now.

I debate on throwing the vibrating toy in his face and storming out. Maybe I will punch him in the dick. He doesn't get to control what I do with my body and when I do it.

That devilish gleam in his eyes tells me otherwise, though. The last thing I want is for him to come barging into my room any time he wants under the impression that I won’t listen to his stupid rule. I don’t plan on depriving myself of sleep again anytime soon just because these boys want to play games.

I imagine myself walking away, slamming my door and locking it. Tearing off this dress and sliding under the comforter. I imagine my hand finding my wet slit and circling. Damien would, no doubt, beat down my door just to come in and pull my hands away.

Heat rushes to my face at the thought of being caught doing something I’m not supposed to do.

Except, I want this. I want him to punish me and get it over with so maybe I can get some sleep tonight. And, at this moment in time, I want to get off more than I want tobreathe. Which is why I turn around slowly, walk to my room, and change into the panties.

I strip off the dress and get into a comfortable shirt and shorts. As I move to open the door, an intense vibration washes over me, and I fall to my knees.

Holy shit.

A moan escapes me before I can think to hold it in, and I brace myself on the wall. After a few seconds the vibrating stops, leaving me shaking on the floor. A knock sounds at the door before it pushes open. Damien looks down at me on the floor before reaching out a hand. I take it and try to steady myself as I stand.

“By the way, that was the lowest setting,” Damien chuckles, pulling me into his body. “This is how I would know if you disobeyed.” He runs a hand over my cheek. “The red of your cheeks, your ears.” He tucks a stray strand behind them as he speaks. “The glazed look in those beautiful gray eyes.” He runs his hand down my back before ushering me forwards. “Time to eat.”

If the vibrations didn’t have me already dripping, his words would have done it for me. I’ve never craved the things I seem to crave with these men around, and its starting to scare the shit out of me.

It’s not normal to want to play these games or to want to be punished. But I guess our lives are anything but normal. And normal has never really looked all that appealing.

We make our way to the food hall and Damien keeps his hand on my lower back the entire time. He walks me to a table and pulls out the chair for me, acting like a real gentleman. “Wait here. I’ll get the food,” he says as he pushes in my chair for me. I'm stunned by his act of kindness when that feeling starts back up again.

Fucking bastard.

I brace my hands on the table, trying like hell to think about anything other than explosively coming in the middle of the food hall. My body is craving to rock into the sensation, but I know once I start I’ll have no control to stop it.
