Page 77 of Mafie Kings

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“The man I spoke to said someone paid them. Someone is after us, and they were paid to intercept the shipment and apparently kill my men.” I don't even know why I'm telling her this.

Lev won't look at me. I’m sure he will never look at me the same again. He also had people he grew up with die today, and he no doubt blames me for it. I don't know who I could have pissed off to cause this mess, but I swear by the fucking stars they are going to pay. I walk away, not needing to see the look of hurt in Lev’s eyes or hear any of the other questions Evie might have.

“Wait,” Evie says as she follows me, apparently not getting the message that I don’t want to talk. “Are you sure they killed them all? That just doesn’t make sense.”

I turn around to face her so quickly she jumps back. “My father sent me the video of the scene himself. Yes, I’m fucking sure. Do you have any other questions I can answer for you, Princess? Or do you have all the information you need now?” I practically yell.

She looks stunned into silence.Thank fuck. I take that opportunity to walk away when I hear her mumble something under her breath about my father.

“What the fuck did you just say?” I roar at her, causing her to jump again. Once the surprise from my outburst melts away, she straightens her back and squares her shoulders at me.

“Nothing,” she says defiantly, her chin held high. But today is not the motherfucking day to piss me off.

“Tell me, or so help me I will put you on your knees so damn fast you’ll have bruises there for weeks.” I’m seething now.

She takes a step back and analyzes me, crouching down ever so slightly, like an animal ready to pounce. But I'm no prey, especially not to her. “You try that shit again, Alexi, and I’ll fight back. We might not be allowed to have our weapons in here, but I’ve been training for just as long as you have.”

“You think you could take me?” An obnoxious laugh escapes me. “You wouldn’t stand a fucking chance. I’m twice your size.”

She just smirks at me.

“If you’re going to talk shit in my class, then get on the fucking mats!” Savage yells over to us.

I gesture to the mat closest to us and Evie hops on. I have a shit ton of anger boiling in me. It’s like I’m a volcano ready to erupt. She has no idea what she’s gotten herself into. She’s mine to use how I please, so I have no thoughts about holding back just because she’s a woman. I need a place to let out the monster, and Evie just offered herself up as the punching bag. Maybe this will be the way she learns to keep her mouth shut and do as she’s fucking told.

I’ve seen her fight, and while she’s good, I’m better. I have to be. I am never allowed to be weak. I am the protector, the enforcer. And now, I plan to be the one to put our little Princess in her place. I am a King, and she will fucking bow.

Evie and I circle the mat, assessing each other and our stances. When she fights, she is rarely the one to strike first, waiting to see what her opponent will do. She’s good at evading, but I’ve seen a few punches get past her when she’s going in for a strike, so I plan to wait her out.

I fake a move toward her, making her put up her guard and enforce her stance. When she sees it was a fake out, she relaxes her shoulders slightly, giving me an opening. But I don’t take the bait. Instead, I chuckle at her.

“When you’ve been training as long as I have, you know when someone’s trying to psych you out,” I taunt, trying to get her to approach me.

Suddenly, she ducks to the side and moves into me on the right. She jabs at my ribs, causing me to release a grunt as she swiftly moves back.

“When you’ve been training as long as I have,” she taunts, “you know when someone is trying to get in your head.”

Alright, no talking then.I step forward to jab, but she blocks it while shoving my arm to the side. She tries to throw an elbow in my face, but I see it just in time to duck. I stay light on my feet and take a step to the outer circle.

Back and forth we go. Ten minutes pass and a crowd forms around us. I got two good hits to her jaw, and she has definitely cracked a few of my ribs. She keeps her body well protected. It’s almost like she can sense my moves before I make them.

“What’s the matter, Alexi? I thought I didn’t stand a chance,” she mocks. “Well, we’ve been at this for ten minutes and I’m still standing.” She moves her arms out like an invitation.

I don’t know why I haven’t charged her yet. Her smug smile sets me off. I’m bigger and stronger. If I can get one more hit in, or take her down hard enough, she will be knocked out. I lower my shoulder to charge her. She scrambles to get back into a fighting stance, but I get my shoulder to her first, and take her down under me. We hit the ground together, and the breath leaves her lungs so forcefully I don’t expect her to move. When she makes no attempt to inhale, I sit up to give her chest room to rise. My goal isn’t to kill her.

She still doesn’t move though. That’s when I remember the car accident. This hit could have been too much for her body to take.

I move off of her to sit at her side as I watch her face. My nerves are shot, waiting as the seconds tick by for her to take a breath. A weird feeling settles in my chest and my heart speeds up. I move to check her pulse when her hand shoots out and wraps around my arm. She rolls my body over hers and plants herself on top of me, straddling my lap.

Did she just pretend to be knocked out? What the fuck.

She yanks my wrist up in an attempt to put me in an arm bar. I move with her enough to flip her onto her back again, pinning her to the mats with my body between her legs.

Evie throws two good punches to my gut, causing my body to curl in on itself. I feel more ribs break. The taste of blood coats my tongue as I try to take a deep breath. She throws an uppercut into my jaw which causes me to blackout momentarily and I feel my body fall into hers.

She slides out from under me before planting her thighs on either side of my back as I try to get up. Except, before I can get my arms under me, she throws all her weight on me making my body give out. My face crashes into the mat as her arm wraps around my neck from behind.

I try to use my arms to get up, desperate to get out of the headlock. But her legs squeeze around me so tight my broken ribs feel like they’re splintering.
