Page 78 of Mafie Kings

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Blackness spots my vision when I hear Savage yell, “Tap out, Mikhas. Tap the fuck out. I swear to the gods if you pass out in my class…” His words fade as a ringing in my ears begins. I’ve never tapped out before. I can’t fucking fail. Not at the one thing I’ve always been good at. I grunt, trying with all my might to get in a breath while Evie locks her arms tighter.

Passing out here would be the end for me. So much worse than tapping out. I can’t just let Evie walk away from this.

With the little brainpower I have left, I convince myself to tap her leg twice.

A rush of blood shoots to my brain as I cough and greedily gulp air into my lungs. Evie jumps up to walk off the mats, but I grab her leg, causing her to fall on her ass. I pull her down before climbing over her. I lean in close, my face hardly an inch from hers.

“You may have won here today,” I seethe, spit spraying her face as I speak, “but you won't be winning for long. If you think I was harsh before,” I wrap my hand around her throat as her stunned face looks up at me, “just know, you haven’t seen anything yet.” I squeeze my hand to remind her who's in charge. Evie just smiles. I’m not cutting off her oxygen, just sending a message.

Not a single person in my life has ever taken me down like that, not even my father. If she thinks she can play dirty by pretending to be knocked out, she’s about to get a wake-up call. I don’t know what I need to do to this girl to get my message across, but I’m going to find out.

Paramedics approach the mats as the students file out. I see Lev leaning against the back wall with his legs and arms crossed. He shakes his head at me before walking out with the rest of them. I let go of Evie, pushing myself to stand when lightning hits my dick. I fall forward, wheezing, my ribs aching with each breath.

“I’m not afraid of you,” Evie says, bending down to whisper in my ear. “I would rather die on my feet, than live on my knees. So the next time you think about threatening me, remember who the fuck I am.”

She stands slowly, watching for me to react before easing back and turning to leave.

I know exactly who the fuck she is. She is my plaything, and I plan to play rough.


I skip classes, knowing all the topics we’re supposed to cover for the day. The library’s private rooms are available to reserve with a couch and a small kitchenette, so I take one for the remainder of the day while they fix the suite.

I pull out my computer to do some additional research on the Shades. When nothing comes up, I switch tactics and try to dig up anything on Evie I possibly can. I finally find the video for her challenge, and it’s in the process of downloading to my computer. If I didn’t know she was real, I would think she didn’t exist. There are some records of her attending school, but no pictures that prove she actually attended. I find nothing about her parents, or her family, which leads me to question how the fuck she got into this school.

I called one of the board members to ask them about her, and all they could tell me was that she has an uncle who has a lot of power and influence. Yet, not even they would share information about him, no matter how much I threatened them.

At this point I’m past seeing red. All I see is fucking black. I try to take calming breaths, but the only thing keeping me in the present is the movement of the gauze scraping my raw knuckles.

Knowing Evie failed her challenge is keeping my thin thread of sanity from snapping, but just barely. I need to see her fail like I need oxygen. My fingers flex over the keys, re-opening the wounds on my knuckles. It’s a welcome kind of burn. One that keeps the memory of my failure fresh and pushes me to keep hunting.

Finally, the computer dings with the download. I click play. Some Italian man is falling all over her before they get into his car. The camera focuses when Evie rubs her hands up and down her body, and I find myself in a haze, transfixed on how that dress hugs her legs and how it shimmers with her movements. I’m only snapped out of the fog when this man's hand runs up her thigh. She moves it away carefully, taunting him. Eventually, they get out of the car and come to stand in front of a cliff. Evie moves to straddle him, pushing him back on the hood, which I can now see is a ruby-red Bugatti Chiron. The man moves his hands to her hips and for some reason my fists clench. But the moment his eyes glaze over in lust, Evie strikes, running her blade across his neck. Blood paints her and the car as his eyes widen in shock.

I feel myself growing hard at the sight of her dominating him, making him bleed out. My dick gets even harder when she reveals that he’s a piece of trash who hurt his family. Fuck, this girl and the power she emanates is intoxicating. She drags him to the cliff's edge, takes the keys from his pocket, and kicks his lifeless form over the crest.

For a moment, I’m confused as I watch her get into the car and start up the engine. She got the car, killed the piece of shit, and is driving away. It’s not until the red and blue lights start flashing that it begins to click together.

The only reason she failed is because of a random checkpoint?

I’m ready to throw my computer across the room and trash this place when she drives the car off the cliff. My heart constricts in my chest as she hits the black water in the night.

She said she can’t swim, so what the hell is she going to do?

Why am I worried for her? She’s sitting in class right now, perfectly fine. So why am I concerned about the outcome?

Then I watch as she swims for over an hour, wondering why she hasn’t cut the feed yet and thinking there must be more for the board to keep it all. Knowing her, she probably punches a shark in the face when it gets close to her. She would have easily been the first Queen to ever rule the island if it wasn’t for that checkpoint.

The fact that she lied about not being able to swim nags at me. She ends up climbing a cliff with nothing but scraps of her dress wrapped around her hands and feet. That explains the cuts that marred her hands when she first got here. She has a wide set of skills for sure, which only begs the question hammering in my mind all day. Who the fuck is this girl?

She makes it to the top only for a man to come out of the bushes. He looks like Giannini, the police chief of Italy. My suspicions are confirmed when she calls him “G”. So, not only is she a girl who can drive a car off a cliff, survive, and free-climb another cliff, but she also knows the police chief of Italy well enough that they are on a nickname basis. No wonder my tactics haven’t broken her, she seems like a girl who has trained for every possible outcome and has learned to master them all.

Giannini suddenly unbuckles his pants to blackmail her to her knees. For a moment, bile rises in my throat, thinking of what I did to her. Am I really no better than a piece of shit corrupt cop?

Except, I can't help but notice the difference in how she kneeled for me. She hummed for me, let me use her, licked me like I tasted like the best lollipop she’s ever had. She worked her hands for me, giving me all the right things just when I needed them. For Giannini, she just sits there, pushing away his hands when he tries to touch her. She doesn't make a sound, and when she’s done, she spits his release out before throwing up as he walks away.

I may have forced her, but she sure as hell enjoyed herself with me. Maybe that’s what had her running away so quickly. Maybe being turned on by me forcing her scared her.

I shake off the thoughts of her on her knees for me so that I can get back to my plan. I edit the video to cut out everything after she crashed the car in the water before typing up an article on our girl.
