Page 83 of Mafie Kings

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“Shut up,” Damien says to the nurses, causing my head to snap in his direction. He squeezes my hand in his as he gets on his knees beside me. Lev’s hand starts running through my hair softly. “It’s okay. The medicine they gave you can make you feel weak, but you’re safe,” he says softly. “I’ve got you, Little Shadow. Just relax, okay.”

I nod my head as I stare at him and continue to take deep breaths. My brain is a mess, and I can’t seem to keep my thoughts together. I passed out in a world where I felt alone and broken, and woke up to a King kneeling at one side, and another running his fingers through my hair.

Maybe I did die. Maybe this is my version of peace.

I let my head rest back on the pillow and relax as Lev keeps running his fingers through my hair. I feel like I’m slowly gaining more control of my body as the panic subsides.

I open my mouth to ask what happened and my lips crack slightly in the corners. Lev brings a straw to my lips, and I’m grateful as the cold liquid hits my mouth. I must have been out for hours for my mouth to feel this dry.

“Thank you,” I say hoarsely, assuming my voice is messed up because of the crying and yelling. “How long have I been out?” My voice is a whisper which is the most my vocal cords will allow at the moment.

I look up at Lev as he looks down at Damien.

“When we brought you here,” Damien says slowly, “your heart was struggling to keep up. Doc said the amount of stress it was under could cause you to have a heart attack because the trauma from the accident was still fresh.” He struggles with his words and my hands start to sweat a little. I try to pull back from him, but he only grips my hand harder.

Lev gently turns my face with his hand to look at him as he says, “They kept you asleep so you could heal. It’s been six days.”

My eyes widen and I struggle for my next breath. My heart pounds in my ears, making it hard to hear anything else. How has it been six days? Anyone could have come in here in that time while I was laying here helpless. Tears fill my eyes as I gasp for air.

“You need to stay calm,” Damien says, running his thumb across the back of my hand. “You need to keep your heart rate under control or they are going to have to make you sleepy again.”

Lev takes my face in his hand. “Look at me.” He waits until I look into his eyes. “We were here the whole time,” he assures, like he could see where my mind was going. “Don’t make them take those beautiful eyes away from me again, okay? Just breathe.”

He keeps taking deep breaths and I follow his example. When the beeping stops, Damien stands up and carefully climbs into the bed with me, pulling me close to him so that my head is on his chest. “Relax, baby girl. I got you.”

I settle into him and focus on my breathing, letting myself feel safe in his arms.


Doc comes in to examine me and forces the guys to leave. I confide in him about my night terrors in fear that the stress will hurt me even more. He assures me that because it’s a temporary stressor that my body is used to, it shouldn’t set anything off, but he would prescribe something for me to use if I need it. He also tells me it’s unlikely for them to come back for a few days with these drugs in my system. He asks if I want to go back to the suite and if I feel safe. I feel safe knowing Damien and Lev are close. After everything, I believe they wouldn’t let anything happen to me, even Alexi.

I’m given strict orders to take it easy for the next month to allow my heart to heal. He didn’t give me a medical bracelet, but he did make me promise to take it easy.

He told me he called my uncle and kept him informed of my condition. I check my phone and am surprised when I don't find any messages from him, not even via our encrypted email. It makes sense with me being unconscious, but I’m also a little disappointed. It’s Thursday evening by the time they wheel me out to Damien's car. I still feel weak and need help walking, but I can move my hands better. I feel my strength coming back quickly now.

I must have fallen asleep in the car because the next time I open my eyes, I'm lying in my bed snuggled under the blanket Lev gave me. Damien is laying beside me and Lev’s sitting at my desk, typing on his computer.

I stretch out and yawn before rolling over and snuggling next to Damien. I have never been a cuddler or a touchy person, but something about his warmth and presence calms me. I’m not ready to let go just yet.

Damien’s arm slides around me and he gingerly pulls me close. After a few minutes of silence, Lev clears his throat and moves to sit on the bed behind me. I sit up so I can see them both. I still feel weak, mostly in my legs, but I’m able to push myself up and get comfortable enough to lean against the headboard.

Lev runs his fingers over mine, “Do you want to talk about it?” he asks. I fold my hands together, looking down at them as I shake my head. “Are you sure? Alexi talked to us and he swears he didn’t do it.”

My head snaps in his direction. “And you believed him?” I ask, my voice still a little hoarse, reminding me of just how much time I lost because of him. Of course. Of course, they believe him. They hardly know me. They’re only showing interest because I played my cards right. It’s all just another game, one that never seems to fucking end.

“I only believe him because I know him so well,” Lev says, trying to take my hand. I pull back, not wanting him to touch me while we talk about this. If he touches me, I’ll feel safe and let my guard down. And if I've learned anything about Alexi, it’s that I can’t let my guard down.

“I think Bryce had something to do with it. He may be an idiot, but he could have paid the right people,” Lev says.

I shake my head. “You mean Alexi’s little buddy?” I say sarcastically. “Do you really expect me to believe that he had nothing to do with this? After everything he’s done?” My voice is strained and I can’t seem to get enough air in my lungs.

I clutch my hand to my chest, pressure building deep inside making me want to press down on it. “I can’t, Lev. I can’t. He did this. Whether he pulled the final trigger or not, this was him.” I suck in a deep breath and try to stay calm. “He hates me, and nothing you say will convin...” My breath hitches as the pain blossoms in my chest.

Damien pulls me into his chest, his phone out already. “That’s enough, Lev. You need to go.”

Lev’s face drops, but he nods. The pain begins to subside knowing this conversation is over. Lev stands up, but before he leaves he comes back over to me and kisses my forehead. I try not to be mad and just let him comfort me, but then he makes it all worse.

“I’ll leave until you tell me you want me back here. We don’t have to talk about him, but you know I’m right. It’s okay if you’re not ready to face that yet. Until you are, I'll watch your back, Lucky Charm.” He squeezes my shoulder as he pulls back.
