Page 86 of Mafie Kings

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Lev rolls his eyes and throws his arm over my shoulder. “You’re always starving.”

We walk to the food hall, being the only ones up this early, the hall is empty. We head to our usual table in the back of the room and fall into easy conversation. We are all smiling and joking around when Alexi walks into the room. He never comes to the hall to eat anymore now that he’s been training with Savage and helping him teach complex demonstrations.

He walks up to our table and takes a seat like it’s the most normal thing in the world. My heart rate picks up, not out of fear, but annoyance. The guys still spend time with him, but I avoid him like the plague.

“You guys coming on the boat tomorrow?” Alexi asks. We all stare at him in silence.

“Lev and I will be there,” Damien says, reaching for my hand under the table and giving it a squeeze, as if he could hear my thoughts of worry crowding in. I stay silent, staring at my food as my gut churns.

“And you, Princess?” he questions so casually that you’d think we were old friends.

My brows pinch together as I look at him and wonder what kind of trick he’s trying to pull here. “Me?” As if he refers to anyone else as “princess”.

He nods his head in response and I shake mine. “No, I won’t be coming, Alexi. The boat may be the same size as half of these buildings, but being on it with you would still be too close.”

I’m ready to get up and get the fuck away from him when he pins me with his eyes. They aren’t as cold as usual, and for just a moment I forget why I was leaving.

“Look,” he says, “I know you’re mad at me, and that you don’t believe me about the video.” My jaw clenches at the mention and Damien's hand tightens around mine, keeping me in the moment. “But, these little trips were created as an incentive for those who are at the top of the class ranking. You not showing up is pissing people off. It looks like you think you’re better than the system, better than them. Don’t come because I asked, come so that we can figure out who the hell is messing with you.”

I’m honestly speechless. I didn’t realize other people would think that, and it almost sounds like it bothers him. Like he actually cares. That can’t be right though.

“What’s your deal, Alexi? You push me, punish me, break me, and now you’re trying to look out for me? What’s in it for you?” I ask him, raising my voice slightly. Damien's thumb rubs along my hand in an attempt to soothe me, but none of this makes sense. He turns to me as I try to get my thoughts together.

“Little Shadow,” he says, waiting for me to look at him. When I do, his expression is almost pained. “I’m sorry, but Lex is right. People have been talking. I think you should join us.” His voice is calm and soft.

“How about a deal?” Alexi proposes, piquing my interest.

“What kind of deal?”

“If you come, I’ll owe you a favor.” He looks sincere, but the devil himself was the most beautiful deceiver, and we can’t always trust what we see.

Lev and Damien's heads snap in his direction. A favor from him is a big deal, and everyone knows he rarely hands them out. I sit for a moment and think, not wanting to give away how tempting the offer is.

“No bullshit?” I ask him, the pitch of my voice giving away my shock.

“No bullshit.” Alexi offers up his hand to me. I’ve made countless deals with the monsters of this world, but this one feels like something more. This one feels like offering up my trust. Like he’s trying to manipulate me into believing he’s no longer my enemy.

I hesitate, not sure if it’s worth it. But then my uncle’s words from this past weekend hit me.

I won’t be in contact this weekend. I’ll be with the team intercepting the shipment you got us the info about. Play nice and have an alibi.

Reaching over slowly, I shake his hand with confidence. I’ll go for a favorand an alibi.


Waking up early the next morning I jump in the shower. I desperately need to shave, not that I’ll be wearing a swimsuit or anything. The cold chill hasn’t quite settled in and I want to wear shorts to try and get a bit more of a tan. By the time I’m dressed, I have two minutes to be out the door. I spray on a little body spray and grab my bag with my towel and water bottle. I walk out to find the guys all sitting on the couch.

“You’re early,” Damien teases. “You still have a full sixty seconds before you have to deal with all of us.”

I roll my eyes at him as Lev comes to me and kisses my forehead. He’s done that every morning since I woke up in the hospital.

“Good morning,” he says, taking my hand in his.

“Good morning.” I smile up at him. I swear I’m a different person. I’ve never needed or even wanted men's attention, thinking that the only thing they could bring is pain and disappointment. But Lev brings something good to my life, and I desperately want to hold onto it for as long as I can.

Damien comes up to me next, pulling me into a bear hug. “Stop hogging our girl,” he tells Lev as he sweeps me away.

“Alright, alright,” I say with a laugh and he puts me down, “now we’re going to be late.”
