Page 87 of Mafie Kings

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Alexi sits back, silently watching us. I gesture to the door. “Is it time to leave?” I ask.

He clears his throat, standing up and grabbing his bag, “Yeah, let's go.”

Damien takes Lev's hand in his and it’s really sweet. Lev seems more sure of himself than when we first met. And Damien, who I thought was a total playboy, hasn't paid attention to anyone outside of our little group. Laney even fell asleep next to him during a movie, and he covered her with a blanket before cuddling up next to Lev and me.

I follow behind everyone, letting the guys have space while I enjoy the light breeze and sunrise on my face. We get on the boat and it quickly starts filling with people. I don’t know most of their names. I usually stick with Laney or the guys, but I figure I need to start branching out and making contacts here. After all, that is a big part of what the island is for.

A group of girls are gathered in the hot tub, so I make my way over to them and sit on the edge, slipping my feet in where there’s room.

“Are you getting in?” A red-haired girl asks me.

“Um, I’m good here, thanks.” She nods then gets back to talking about the cute boy she sits next to in one of our classes. Not surprisingly, that’s all these girls seem to talk about.

“So what about you, Evie?” A different girl with black hair asks me.

“What about me?” I ask, having zoned out for a bit.

She laughs. “We’re playing fuck, marry, kill with the Kings. Who would you pick?”

That’s literally the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard, but they’re all looking at me expectantly, and apparently, I need to make nice with them. “I guess I would fuck Lev…” Just thinking about his piercing makes butterflies erupt in my stomach. “Marry Damien….” Because I could see him running around with a bunch of little kids.

The kill one stops me though. Two months ago if you asked me if I wanted to kill Alexi, my answer would have been instant. But now, I hesitate to even say it out loud.

“I knew it,” the black-haired girl says. “So, are you with all of them? Is that why you live with them?”

Her question takes me by surprise. “Um, no,” I say, drawing out the word.

She just waves her hand in dismissal. “I bet they’re all great fucks. I’ve even heard rumors that one of them has their cock pierced. Man, what I wouldn't give to get with him.”

My face flushes red, knowing exactly who she's talking about. She keeps going on about fucking each of them. Eventually all of the girls chime in, talking about them like all they’re useful for is a good fuck. They have no idea who these men are, what they have been through, or what they've had to fight for.

Anger rises in me swiftly when one of them suggests sneaking into Damien's room to try to get with him while he’s sleeping. Just the idea of another woman touching him irritates me, but the idea of them trying to take advantage of him and talking about non-consensual behavior as being acceptable makes me enraged. My fists clench as bile churns in my stomach.

“Shut up!” I yell, standing up on the seat in the water.

The black-haired girl just grins at me. In fact, everyone around us is now staring from my little outburst. Thankfully, none of the guys are here.

“Or what?” she taunts. She’s sitting right next to me, a challenge in her eyes. Well, if they didn’t like me before, they sure as fuck are going to hate me now.

Before she can blink, my hands are tightening around her throat. She grabs at my hand, scraping her fake nails across my skin hard enough to draw blood. But I don’t let up. I don’t even feel the pain as I slam her head into the side of the hot tub.

“Do you know who the fuck I am?” I ask her.

“I am Evie fucking James, the girl who has the number one fighting rank on this island. The only people who stand above me on any of our leaderboards are the Kings. So when I tell you to shut up, you shut the FUCK up!” I throw her face down in the water just to send my point home.

The other girls are making a scene, screaming and getting out of the hot tub. I’ve made my point so I turn to leave, except this bitch doesn’t know when to quit. A hand wraps around my ankle, dragging me down into the hot tub. I nearly crack my head open on the edge, hot water floods my nose and mouth as a hand pushes down on my head.

If she thinks she can take me down that easily, then she hasn’t been paying attention. There’s a reason we don’t have to attend combat classes anymore, and I’m about to show her exactly what that is.

I reach my hand up for her wrist, grabbing it and turning in the water as I pin her under me, both of us now underwater. She fights hard, twisting and pulling at my hair, but I have a good grip on her and I’m not letting go until she’s unconscious.

Her strength gradually fades as the movement in her limbs slows from lack of oxygen. I can’t kill her, but I can bring her close enough to death that she'll think twice about challenging me again. I surface from the water into chaos. Screaming and yelling all around.

Someone yanks me out of the water while a few girls jump in to grab the black-haired girl. She sputters, throwing up water as she rolls over on the deck.

“What the actual fuck?” Alexi’s voice booms in my ear, and I realize it was him who pulled me out, and who currently has his arms around me.

“Get the fuck off of me.” I push at his arms, twisting to get away.
