Page 27 of Bonded and Betrayed

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My mind snaps to the daydream I had earlier, of the two of them pinning me between their hard chests, their lips searing my skin, showing me their differences despite being identical. Damn, I really hope that becomes a reality sooner rather than later.

Chapter Nine


Ihaveneverbeenhappier about my decision to place the dining room at the entrance of the compound than I am right now. A smug grin stretches across my face as Skylar walks through the door. Stray hairs stick out from her braid, her expression weary before her gaze snaps to mine. She pulls her shoulders back instantly, any trace of exhaustion gone as she takes stock of the room. A few of my pack decided to join us for dinner, but the table isn’t nearly as packed as it had been the other night.

“Perfect timing,” I say, just loud enough to ensnare everyone’s attention. “We were just about to sit down to eat.” Zeke and Zayn walk in behind her, both of them looking just as tired. Of course Zayn snuck off with them. I should’ve known since he wasn’t pissing me off all day like he usually does.

“This isn’t the best time—” Zeke begins, but his protest is cut short by my glare.

Skylar’s jaw works, looking from me to the guests gathered around the table. I can almost see the gears in her head working as she assesses her best move. Her lips part, but I already have the perfect response waiting on the tip of my tongue.

“I left a dress for you in your room,” I say, my lips twitching at the huff of annoyance she lets loose before turning on her heel and stalking through the hallway.

Oh, little wolf. I bet you hate how I can read your mind.

Zeke and Zayn follow after her without another word, clearly taking the hint.

My little wolf got out of her final course last night, and that won’t be happening again.

My wolf howls in contentment, salivating at the thought of our mate splayed on our lap. I haven’t been able to get her off my mind since the other night, my thoughts plagued with the vision of her shaking in the chair beside me on her first night here. I may have the satisfaction of knowing she came for me that night, her heated gaze unable to escape mine, but I need to feel her clenching around my fingers, memorizing every inch of her supple skin.

My teeth shift into razor-sharp canines at the thought, my wolf already ready and willing to claim her.

She’s perfect in every fucking way, the ideal mate for me and my wolf, but am I ready for that? She has a power over me that no one else has ever had, my equal in every way. I know that once I give in completely to the mate bond and we solidify it for eternity, I would give her anything, do anything for her—and that loss of control is terrifying.

I suck in a deep breath, pushing my wolf down. She’s mine, but I won’t let my wolf rush me into claiming her.

“What are you scheming?” Arsenio drawls from my right. He leans back in his chair, igniting the metal lighter in his hand with a flick of his wrist. He lets the flame burn, his gaze glued to the dancing heat before he flicks it closed again.

“Is having a plan now considered scheming?” I growl under my breath, leaning back in my chair, my eyes focused on the hallway as I impatiently wait for my mate.

“When it’s you, then yes.” He chuckles, flicking his lighter open again.

“It’s nothing for you to be concerned about,” I grumble, my jaw clenching.

“I’m merely interested.” He shrugs. “Whatever it is, I’m sure it will be entertaining.”

I fight off a grin at his statement; with any luck, itwillbe entertaining as hell.

As though that thought summoned them, Zayn walks out of the hallway, making his way towards his seat third from my right.

Skylar strides back into the dining room next, with Zeke just a pace behind her, his hand on the small of her back.

Arsenio sucks in a sharp breath as the light glints off the silver sheen of the dress I picked for her. A grin spreads across my lips as she turns to face me, and my gaze runs languidly up her breathtaking form. The dress fans out behind her in a long flowing wave, the weight of the train pulling at the long, gaping slits up each side of the gauzy material and showcasing the delectable, soft skin of her thighs. My chest rumbles with satisfaction at the sight of her gun and dagger strapped to her legs.

That’s my fucking mate. Ready for battle at a moment’s notice.

The gauzy, silken material cinches at her waist, hugging her delicious curves tightly. My gaze lingers on her chest for a moment, appreciating the plunging neckline of the dress, the top splitting at the waist and tapering into straps.

My chest warms with satisfaction as I take her in. The dress is completely unlike any she’s worn before. She normally wears sleek black dresses, when she deigns to wear one at all. They’re sexy as hell, but this—this is mine. I glance from the ring nestled on her finger, the light shining off the sapphires, to the dress where it shimmers metallic in the muted light.

She’s mine, and I’m hers.

I can’t help but grin at the scowl that tugs at her lips as she glares at me.

Zeke places a soft kiss on her cheek, but she barely notices as she prowls towards me. I glance around at the pack as they chat amongst themselves in a silent warning to her. Her lip curls into a snarl, but she must take the hint since she doesn’t scream at me as she stalks over to her seat. Some of her irritation seems to cool as she looks at the place set beside me.
