Page 58 of Bonded and Betrayed

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“Agreed.” Everett nods, his gaze lingering on me a little too long, like he has something he wants to say but it won’t come out.

“I have a few errands I need to run,” I announce in dismissal, tugging my gaze from his to scowl down at my clothes. Thankfully we kept our other set in the back of the van, so I didn’t have to wear the sweatpants and hoodie into the compound, but the clean clothes still cling to my sweat-coated skin.

I desperately need a shower and a change of clothes first. The cabin was a nice little refuge for the night, but I was not climbing into the grimy antique tub to wash off.

“I need to talk to you, Arsenio,” Everett huffs as he sits in his plush office chair and taps away at his keyboard, apparently done with the conversation.

“I’ll walk you out, babe.” Zeke grins as he strides to my other side and pulls my hand from my hip. His fingers entwine with mine as he tugs me towards the door, causing Arsenio’s arm to fall from my shoulders.

“Me too, gorgeous,” Zayn interjects, clasping my other hand. I purse my lips but let them lead me to the door.

“I’ll see you later, firecracker,” Arsenio calls after me, but I don’t have the chance to respond as Zeke opens the door and ushers me through it. I catch one last glimpse of him and give him a reassuring smile before Zayn closes the door behind us.

“I’m glad you’re safe,” Zayn says softly, drawing my attention to him as we pause in the hallway. I can’t help but smile back at him as he squeezes my hand, concern creasing his features.

I always forget that Zayn isn’t used to this.

“Thank you, Zayn.” I want to promise that I’ll always come back, but I can’t. That would just be a lie. I can promise to always fight like hell to make it back to them though.

“Stop stalling,” Zeke grumbles. “You know you were supposed to be ready for training by now.”

“Yes, sir,” Zayn says, with a mock salute. He presses a kiss to the top of my hand.

His light grey eyes meet mine and heat rushes through me at the sweet, yet sexy gesture. His lips are soft against my skin, reminding me just how good they feel against my own. I bite back my protest as he pulls away and lets my hand drop to my side.

“I’ll see you later.” With that he strides down the hall and past the guards with a skip in his step that wasn’t there before.Jackass.He knows exactly what that did to me.

“Are they going to be okay?” I ask Zeke, trying to dispel the cloud of lust Zayn left hovering over me. My brows furrow as I glance through the frosted window, but I’m unable to glimpse anything but shadows.

“They’ll be fine,” Zeke assures me, squeezing my hand in comfort.

We both nod in greeting to the two guards positioned in front of the residences, and they open the door for us.

“What sort of errands do you have to run?” he asks, stopping in front of my door.

“The kind you don’t need to know about.” I smile.

Zeke chuckles. “Fine, keep your secrets, as long as you’re not getting yourself into trouble.”

I feign a laugh, my chest tightening at the tiny deception. I know exactly where I’m going, but I sure as hell won’t be telling any of them.

“I have no plans of getting into trouble,” I say, grateful there’s no sign of the half lie. The words sour on my tongue, but I force a smile, knowing I have to at least try.

“I have another training session with Zayn, otherwise I’d come with you.” He sighs, but despite his plans for the afternoon, he doesn’t seem to be too disappointed.

My chest warms, and a small, tentative smile tugs on my lips, both grateful for the change in subject and happy that the two brothers seem to be getting along at least.

“How is he doing?”

“He’s doing well … surprisingly,” Zeke says, his lips quirking to the side as though he’s almost disappointed at the admission, yet I don’t miss the beam of pride in his eyes. “You should come out and watch in a few days. I’m working with him on his strengths, which seem to be stealth. He might actually have a place here after all.”

“I’d like that,” I breathe, my grin growing as he places a chaste kiss atop my head and takes a step back.

“Give us another day before you see what he can do, though. I want to make sure he doesn’t embarrass me.” Zeke huffs, but it feels forced, as though he’s trying to remind himself he wants to be annoyed with his newfound brother’s presence.

“You let me know the time and the place, and I’ll be there.”

“I’ll see you later, babe,” Zeke says as he backs over to his door, indecision warring on his features as his eyes flash with longing. “Let me know if you need any help with those errands. I’m sure Zayn can wait.”

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