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“Candace, please allow me to introduce you to the ladies who will be joining us today.”

Candace approached and held her hand out as Hudson spoke our names. We shook and then she offered her hand to Dolly, who also took the hand and commented it was nice to meet.

“Candace is my Captain. Onboard you will also meet the crew, Judy, and Brian.”

I began wondering how big this boat was that it required three crew.

“Okay, let’s get going.” Hudson took my hand and led me through his home. I didn’t have a chance to observe much but did notice there were a lot of black and white, glass-topped pieces of furniture and walls of glass windows. It was like something I’d seen in magazines but had a warmth despite the clean lines. The place was spectacular, but it was the view from the back deck we stepped onto that left me speechless. The gardens in the back were also getting a do-over but there was a large infinity pool with a waterfall at one end that must have had views for kilometres. The sun sparkled on the water, almost giving it the appearance of a mirror. Moored at the bottom of the yard was a sleek white boat and I could understand why three crew were required. The thing was enormous. But it was the name that had me snapping my head towards Hudson, who was grinning.

“I did mention there was more than one omen. My father’s mother, whom I adored, was called Eliza-Sue, hence the name of my boat.”

“Wow. My middle name is Suzy, after my mother’s sister, who died when she was young. This is getting weird.”

We took the steps down to a pathway that led to the wharf. Candace introduced me and Dolly to Judy and Brian, who told Hudson they were ready to release the mooring ropes. Hudson held my hand and guided me onboard and the others followed. He led us through a living area that wouldn’t have been out of place in a luxury home while Candace headed upstairs to the bridge.

Hudson asked us to be seated while he and Owen fixed everybody a VirginPiñaColada drink as it was far too early in the morning for alcohol. For Dolly’s and my benefit, Owen informed us they were made from pineapple juice, cream of coconut, and ice and then blended until it resembled a smoothie. He handed each of us a tall glass. One taste and I was in love with the delicious drink.

The engines turned over, there was shouting from outside and the boat began moving away from the wharf. Through the windows, I watched as we passed the luxury homes that lined the harbour.

“Have you been on a boat before?” Hudson asked.

“Never. There’s nowhere to take a boat where I come from unless it’s a tinny to go fishing in one of the creeks, and then you have to share the water with crocodiles. Not my favourite pastime I’m afraid.”

Dolly said her experience had only been numerous crossings on the Manly Ferry.

“Where are we going?” I asked.

“Balmoral Beach for a picnic lunch and swim. Candace will bring the boat alongside the pier there, and once we’re off, she’ll anchor offshore.”

While the boat cruised, we sat around chatting. Lewis and Tony explained how they had met Hudson and Owen several years earlier at Flaherty’s. They’d become friends, and when the couple had told Hudson and Owen about their idea for a business venture, the two men had bankrolled their business.

“They turned our investment into a multi-million-dollar business and have since paid back every cent. As a result, Owen and I are now small, silent partners.”

Lewis and Tony also took the opportunity to announce they’d been approved to adopt two years earlier, not wanting to mention anything until they were sure there would be no roadblocks. They had been notified the previous afternoon that the time had finally come for them to pick up twin girls from the hospital on the following Tuesday afternoon.

“Wow, twins! You believe in doing things the hard way,” I laughed.

“We were shocked when they rang and said there were two girls, but we thought ‘what the hell.’ Having no idea what we’re doing with two won’t be much different from having no idea with one,” Tony admitted.

“Very true and they’ll have each other for company. Do you have names picked out?”

“Yes, but all will be revealed next Saturday. We want all our friends and family gathered for a couple of announcements.” Lewis turned to Hudson and Owen. “We’d very much like you two there and your ladies too, of course.

The four of us accepted the men’s invitation and Hudson and Owen hugged their friends while back-slapping and congratulating the pair.

Dolly and I happily accepted on condition, tubs of their ice cream would also be included, which had them all laughing.

Morepiñacoladas were made and drunk, and Hudson brought out a large platter of cheeses, crackers, cold meats, and nuts for everyone to snack on while the boat travelled the harbour. Hudson pointed out Port Jackson and gave me a brief overview of its history, which was interesting.

Hudson sat beside me, one hand on my bare thigh and every now and then, he planted a kiss to my cheek to remind me he was still there. As if I could have forgotten.

The reservations I had about not being good enough for him were wobbling. He appeared genuinely interested in me, so why should I worry about us spending time together? Mr Hudson Jackson was burrowing under my skin. I was developing feelings for the man. And that was why I should worry about us spending time together. What if he decided we weren’t right after all?


We all stood around on deck and watched while Candace guided the boat up to the wharf at Balmoral. Several people on the beach watched with interest, probably wondering who was on board.

Judy and Brian stood in the bow and stern checking the fenders they’d lowered over the side to prevent damage to the side of the boat as they eased it into place. With the boat in place, the pair jumped onto the wharf and secured ropes around bollards to keep the boat steady while we disembarked.
