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Dolly and I carried towels and blankets while the men each carried an esky. As we made our way along the wharf the ropes were taken in and Brian and Judy jumped back on deck.

“It’s not a bad way to spend the day while they wait for us to return,” I commented to Hudson.

“They’ll probably go for a swim and play a few computer games or read. They’re a good crew and keep the boat in excellent condition so they’re worth every cent I pay them.”

“Is being on the boat their only job? What do they do when you’re not taking the boat out?”

“Candace is a marine engineer who works in my boat manufacturing business. Judy works in boat sales and Brian in boat service and repair.”

I stopped short and Dolly and Owen almost ran into my back. When Hudson realised, I was no longer by his side, he stopped and turned back to face me.

“What’s wrong, Elizabeth?”

“You own a boat business?”

Hudson returned to my side. “Sweetheart, I have boat, construction, and electronics businesses within the corporation. They are our major arms, but we also have smaller businesses. My grandfather started a business in construction and real estate before branching into the car industry. My father added the boat company and I branched into electronics and overseas markets.”

“Wow!” I tilted my head. “No airplanes?”

Hudson laughed and Owen stepped forward, placing a hand on his arm. “Don’t give him any ideas. I’m having enough trouble keeping up with all the expansion that’s been happening lately.”

“Okay. No planes. Gotya,” I laughed.

The others laughed and we started off along the wharf again. When we reached the end, we walked down the steps leading onto the sand and along the beach to where a few trees cast shade, acting as natural protection from the summer sun. After I declared it was the perfect spot to set up for the day, Dolly and I laid out the blankets and towels.

The men set down the esky’s beneath the lower branches of the trees, so they were easily accessible. Hudson flipped the lid on one and I was surprised to see it contained only bottles of soft drink and water. My eyes met Hudson’s and I raised an eyebrow.

“I don’t like alcohol around water, and I limit the number of drinks on the boat. Too many people have drowned over the years, and I won’t be responsible for it happening to any of my friends.”

“Alcohol is also dehydrating and doesn’t mix well with the sun. Dad didn’t like his people at the station drinking to excess either, even after the day was done. None of us argued because we didn’t want to be working around unpredictable cattle with a hangover. It would not have ended well.”

“I can imagine it wouldn’t have been pretty. What would you like to drink?”

I peered into the esky. “Sparkling water please.”

Hudson handed me the water, another to Dolly when she requested one, and then gave each of the men a bottle of their choice before taking a bottle of water for himself.

After taking a few gulps, Hudson screwed the cap back on the bottle and stood, pulled off his shirt, dropped it onto the blanket, and kicked off his shoes.

I stayed seated on the blanket drooling at the sight of his muscles and how the shorts clung to his slim hips. He extended a hand my way. “Swim?”

“Why not but I need sunscreen first and so do you. There’s no excuse for sunburn.”

“I’ve got a bottle in an esky.”

Hudson rummaged in one of the eskys while I stripped down to my bikini.

Chapter Eight


“Ta-da!” I turned around with the bottle of sunscreen held up in one hand and I swear my eyes almost bugged out of their sockets.

Elizabeth had her back turned to me and her arse in the tiny bikini had my dick swelling. The line of her back was exquisite—her small waist flared into shapely hips and long slender, toned legs seemed to go on forever.

I willed her to turn around and when she did, the view before me did not disappoint. Ample breasts were contained in the bikini top and showed the perfect amount of cleavage. Her stomach was flat, and the outline of muscle was visible. She was one fit lady which made sense since she’d worked hard on a station.

I held the bottle towards Elizabeth, and she took it from my trembling hand. After squeezing some of the lotion into her hand she handed the bottle back.
