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The dogs went on immediate alert, and between the three of us, we moved the cattle up to the house paddock, ensuring they were secure.

“Harry, Mildred—home.”

The dogs took off in the direction of home and I turned Cappy towards my favourite waterhole which had a waterfall that was magnificent after the wet season.

I gave Cappy her head and she flew over the ground. I’d missed riding her while I’d been away. When I was in the saddle, we were one. The heartbreak of Sydney was pushed aside, but I knew that come nightfall, the memories of Hudson would return, and the tears would fall.

Chapter Twelve


The plane banked to the left, giving me a view of the spectacular country below. Cattle were scattered in paddocks near a typical outback home with wide, wrap-around verandahs. I caught sight of a flowing waterway that was obviously Taylors Creek, the namesake of the town. Off in the distance was a billabong that was barely visible through a cluster of trees. The wet season was almost over, and although a lot of the land was remarkably green, there were patches of red, dusty ground.

Lisa levelled the aircraft, and after instructing me to fasten the seatbelt, we began our descent. Peering through the window, I watched as we approached a grass airstrip, edged with reflective markers, off to one side of the homestead. Three men stood leaning against two utes while viewing our approach.

Even from a couple of thousand metres above the ground, I recognised Elizabeth’s twin brothers and saw they were tall, solid men. They may have equalled my height, but where my build came from a gym, I had no doubt theirs was from hard work.

The plane lowered onto the ground with a bounce and raced along the runway before slowing. Lisa turned the small aircraft and we taxied near to where the men stood, came to a stop and the engines were switched off.

Lisa and Joe climbed from the cockpit as I unfastened the seatbelt and stood. I waited while Joe pushed the door open to lower the steps, and a gust of heat had me thinking I was about to step into a furnace. I’d read on the weather site the temperature was to be forty-two degrees Celsius, but it felt like it was one hundred and forty-two. How did people live or do anything in such weather?

I descended the steps, instantly regretting my decision to wear heavy jeans, a long-sleeved shirt, and a sports jacket. What the fuck had I been thinking?

Joe retrieved my suitcase and handed it to me. Elizabeth’s brothers approached, I was obviously their target, and if they hadn’t been wearing different coloured shirts, I would have thought I was seeing double.

I extended my hand, but the brothers crossed their arms over thick chests, and if looks could have killed, I would have been six feet under. They ignored my hand, so I lowered it to my side.

I caught sight of the third man introducing himself to Lisa and Joe as they stood off to one side.

“Dad got your message from the post office saying you were coming, but we’re not happy you’re here.” The man wearing the blue shirt made his feelings clear.

“You hurt our sister, so we don’t want you here, and we’re gonna make sure you’re on the plane when it leaves in an hour.” Red shirt didn’t mince his words either.

“The names, Jake, and don’t let this pair intimidate you. It’s up to Lizzy to decide whether or not she sees you. I’ll take Lisa and Joe up to the quarters and fix them a meal while their plane is refueled and made ready to leave.”

I waited until the three climbed into one of the utes and drove away before asking, “Where is Elizabeth?”

“Out with Cappy,” blue shirt informed, and jealousy flooded every cell in my body. Who the hell was Cappy?

Red shirt continued. “Dad didn’t bother letting us know you were coming until half an hour ago. We were picking Liz up in Darwin when he received your message, and he decided if you were coming all this way, you deserved a chance to explain. He knew Liz would take Cappy out at the first opportunity, and when that gal goes out with her horse, there’s no telling when she’ll be back. He wanted a chance to speak to you first.”

My jealousy level dropped knowing Cappy was a horse and not a man who was my competition.

Red shirt shoved out a hand, it appeared the hostility was gone for now, and we shook. “Mathew.”

Blue shirt followed his lead, and I slid my hand into his, his hold was firm. “Lucas.”

“You already know I’m Hudson. I would have preferred to have met under better circumstances.”

“Come on, we’ll take you up to the house for the interrogation.”

I laughed, Lucas tossed my bag into the back of the ute, and we all piled in for the very short drive to the house.

I observed my surroundings as Lucas drove, holding on as he bounced over ruts and grooves in the ground. He came to a stop near the door to the house, and we all piled out.

The brothers led me inside a home that was cool and beautifully decorated in a country theme that suited the location. Chunky, comfortable-looking couches had crocheted blankets draped over the arms and piles of cushions scattered about. Tables and other furniture were made of thick, heavy wood and bookshelves on one wall were full to bursting.

The kitchen/dining room I was directed into was a mass of wooden cupboards with shaker-style doors and polished brass handles. It seemed that every electric gadget and appliance was cluttered on the white marble benchtops. Floors throughout maintained the use of natural materials in the form of grey slate.
