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A huge dining setting was off to one side and a man and woman—who had to be Elizabeth’s parents, stood waiting.

The boys’ height had obviously come from their father who was probably only a couple of centimetres shorter than me and his sons. The man had sun-darkened, weathered skin, blue eyes the same colour as his daughter, and dark hair streaked with grey.

Elizabeth’s mother left me in no doubt as to where her daughter had gotten her looks. They were identical except her mother was obviously older and she had green eyes. Her hair was cut in a bob and also streaked with grey. She was a strikingly beautiful woman. Stepping forward, she offered her hand.

“Hudson, it’s good to meet you, Darling. I’m astonished you dropped everything to come here and see Liz. I’m Mia Flynn.”

“Pleased to meet you, Mrs Flynn, but I wish it had been under better circumstances. We had a misunderstanding and Elizabeth left before I could explain. I couldn’t bare knowing she was hurting.”

Mr Flynn stepped forward and we shook hands. “Ridge. Nice to meet you, son, and we don’t stand on ceremony. Call us Mia and Ridge.”

I nodded.

Mia pointed to a chair at the table. “Have a seat. Liz will be gone for a while if history is any guide. I’ll fix you an iced coffee and you can explain what happened. Liz is known for reacting without giving people a chance to set her straight, so if what you tell us is acceptable, we’ll support you. If we’re not happy, the boys will drop you back at the plane and Liz will never know you were here.”

Mia, like her sons, was a straight-talking, no-nonsense lady and I instantly liked her.

I took a seat at the table, Ridge sat at one end and the brothers settled across from me. I felt like I was in the interrogation room of a police station—not that I’d ever been in one, but I had seen what they were like on television shows.

Mia set three large pitchers of iced coffee on the table and poured some into glasses before handing them around. She also placed a plate of chocolate biscuits in the centre of the large table before sitting at the opposite end from her husband.

“Okay, start explaining.” Mathew glanced at the watch on his wrist. “You have thirty-seven minutes before the plane leaves.”

I told them everything that had happened the previous day and Mia shook her head. “My daughter was true to form and jumped to conclusions. You’re a good man to come after her and attempt to make things right.”

“I’m sorry Matt and I gave you a hard time before giving you a chance to explain,” Lucas apologised.

“I understand. You were being protective of Elizabeth, and I can’t fault you for looking out for her.”

After learning the reason for Elizabeth’s upset, the family relaxed, and while I devoured two of the best chocolate biscuits I’d ever tasted—homemade by Mia I was informed and polished off a second iced coffee, I answered the family’s questions. I also told them a little about my corporation which they must have found interesting because they kept wanting to know more.

I looked up at the sound of someone entering. Jake stood slouched against the door. “Plane’s left.” He grinned my way. “Good to see you’re still here and being given a chance to make things right with Liz, but tread lightly, there’s a whole lot of places to hide a body out here.”

“Jake,” Mia warned.

“Good advice,” I laughed, and the family laughed along.

The twins pushed up from the table. “It’s time we got to work. We’ll see you at dinner unless Liz refuses to listen, throws you out and you’re forced to walk into town,” Mathew laughed.

“It’s a hot walk to town, we’ll pick up your bones in a couple of days if that happens.”

“Jake, take the two troublemakers out of here,” Mia scowled.

The men clapped hats on their heads and strode from the house via a door off the kitchen.

“How long will it be before Elizabeth gets back here?” Now I was here, I needed to see my lady.

“Your guess is as good as ours. I had her checking a fence and bringing up cattle but more than likely once that was done, she’d take some time for herself,” Ridge answered.

“Do you mind if I take a walk around outside while I wait?”

“Of course not. We can set you up here in the guest room at the end of the hall. I’ll take your suitcase down. You might want to lose the jacket before you go out into the heat and there’s a spare hat on a peg by the front door.”

“Thanks, but if you point me in the right direction, I’ll take my bag and unpack. I’d like to change into something cooler if you don’t mind.”

“Make sure you cover yourself with sunscreen and bug spray. They’re both on the table by the front door,” Mia advised.

We all stood and while Mia approached the kitchen sink with finished dishes, Ridge showed me along a hall and into a room with a large bed in the centre. The bedhead and foot were made from the same chunky wood as the furniture in the living room. Sheer curtains hung at the windows with heavier drapes pushed to the sides. There wasn’t a breath of wind and they all hung limply. To my right was a wooden chest of drawers set against a wall between two doors.
