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Ridge pointed to the door on the right of the chest. “That’s a walk-in wardrobe. It’s empty so feel free to put your things in there.” He pointed to the other white-painted door. “That one opens into the bathroom.”


“I’ll leave you to settle and catch up with you at dinner.” Ridge turned to leave.

“Ridge,” I spoke to draw his attention and he spun around.


“I promise I won’t intentionally hurt your daughter and I’m well aware of how precious water is out here, so I will be mindful of how much I use.”

“I don’t believe you would deliberately hurt, Liz, but thank you for saying as much and I appreciate your consideration when it comes to water. It’s a precious resource we don’t take for granted.”

Ridge left and I unpacked, washed the travel sweat from my face, cleaned my teeth, and changed into shorts and a polo shirt before heading outside.


Wearing a borrowed Akubra hat, I felt every bit the bush cocky as I strode away from the house towards a paddock where horses were chasing each other around.

As I drew closer, I counted four of the beasts, all in varying shades of brown with tails that almost brushed the ground. Growing up in the city, I hadn’t had any experience with horses but admired their stature, strength, and beauty. Watching the animals, for the first time in my life, I felt envious of those who could ride. Maybe Elizabeth would teach me one day.

When they caught sight of me leaning on the wooden fence, they all trotted over and poked their heads over for a scratch which I willingly gave. The lightest brown horse pushed its snout into my hand, and I suspected it was looking for something to eat. I patted the velvety nose. “Not this time.”

The animal snorted, somewhat in disgust, and wandered away. I gave the others one final pat and left the fence to continue exploring.

I headed towards what looked like a vegetable garden, lost in thought. When I heard the pounding of hooves in the distance, I looked up and my eyes locked on a figure crouched over the back of a horse. They flew over the ground, and I stood mesmerised as they swallowed up the distance, so in tune, they moved as one.

I knew the minute Elizabeth saw me. She pulled back on the reins and slowed the horse to a walk. The scowl on her face became more visible as she got closer. When she reached where I stood, the horse stopped, and she jumped to the ground. Keeping hold of the reins, she stepped closer and pinned me with a glare.

Chapter Thirteen


The time I had spent sitting on the edge of the waterhole, my bare feet dangling in the cool water as I pondered my future, had quieted my mind. I could always count on home to reset my mental compass.

The sun started to shift in the sky, the afternoon was wearing on and it was time I made my way home before my parents sent out a search party. I whistled Cappy who had wandered a short distance away to munch on some young shoots, and she trotted towards where I sat pulling on socks and boots. I climbed back into the saddle and patted her neck. “Take me home, girl.”

When we cleared the trees and short brush edging the waterhole, I gave Cappy her head and we flew over the ground. I hadn’t fully realised how much I’d missed her until that moment.

As I neared the stables and house, a familiar figure ahead had me frowning and narrowing my eyes. “What the fuck is he doing here?” I asked into the wind.

I drew Cappy to a walk, and reaching where Hudson stood, I jumped down and stepped closer.

“Why are you here, Hudson?”

“I came to explain.”

“You don’t need to explain, I know what I saw.”

“Do you?”

For some reason, the way he tilted his head and asked the question had me thinking back. I pictured the woman in his arms and knew I was very sure.

“I know what I saw, Hudson. I heard you call her Baby and say you loved her.” Having said all I was going to, I clicked my tongue and started leading Cappy to the stables.

Hudson set a hand on my arm, and I lifted my eyes to his. “Go home, Hudson. I’m sure your lady must be missing you.” I needed him to leave before the tears I felt welling in my eyes started to fall.

Andy stepped from the barn, glanced between the two of us, and hurried over.
