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“But Mum…” Lucas started to argue.

Mum lifted her hand and pointed to the door. “Out.”

My brothers’ shoulders slumped, and they left the room before Mum turned back. “Hudson, I apologise for my boys behaving like Neanderthals. They forget their sister is an adult and entitled to behave like one.”

“I understand,” Hudson murmured.


Uh oh. My family only called me by my full first name when I was in trouble, unlike Hudson who loved my full name.

“Yes, Mum.”

“Language, Miss.”


Mum nodded. “This would not have happened if you hadn’t been sneaking around every night and morning. If you two are sleeping together, you should say so, and we’ll understand you want to share a room.”

I glanced at Hudson who was doing his best not to laugh while my face was hot enough to light a cigarette.

“Breakfast will be on the table in twenty minutes and then I suggest you either move Hudson to your room or move your things down here.”

Mum closed the door after leaving and I turned my head into Hudson’s chest and groaned. He burst into laughter.

I smacked his chest leaving my hand over his heart. “Stop, it’s embarrassing.”

Hudson hugged me close. “I told you we would get caught. Shower?”

“Yes, then I want to take you down to my most favourite place on earth. Did you bring…No, forget I asked.”

“What were you going to ask?”

“It doesn’t matter.”

Hudson studied me for a moment before kissing my head and pushing up from the bed.

Showers together would have to wait until we were back in the city where water wasn’t such a precious commodity. I stayed in bed until I heard the shower turn off five minutes later.

Hudson strutted back into the room wearing only a towel draped around his narrow hips. Droplets of water dripped from his bare chest. The man was exquisite. I licked my lips, wanting to devour every inch of him.

“Stop looking at me like that. You need to shower so we can have breakfast and spend the day together.”

Reluctantly, I slid from the bed and walked to where Hudson stood. I traced his chest with both hands, stood on tiptoes, and planted a kiss on his lips.

Hudson turned me towards the bathroom and gave my arse a slap before giving me a gentle shove. “Shower.”

Turning my head, I smiled over one shoulder before running into the bathroom.


I slowed pulled back on the reins slowing Cappy and Hudson reined Mira into a walk when we reached the bushy growth surrounding the waterhole, quite a contrast after the dry dusty ground we’d ridden over.

“Wow, this is like pictures I’ve seen of a desert oasis.”

“You haven’t seen anything yet. Follow me and watch your head, there are a lot of low branches.”

I led the way, weaving through the thick brush. When we reached a grassy clearing, I heard Hudson gasp and smiled. I’d known he would appreciate the raw beauty of the place.
