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“She’d love to get out after being housebound for so long and she’s looking forward to meeting Liz.”

“I won’t invite the others; it will be nice for the four of us to catch up on things. Elizabeth only has three suitcases, so we won’t need help.”

“I’ll let Mercy know, she’ll be thrilled.”

Devon pulled into the driveway at Elizabeth’s former home, and by the time we were out of the car, Harper and Ellie were charging through the door. When they reached us, Elizabeth was engulfed in hugs, before they began firing off questions at a million miles an hour.

“I promise we’ll catch up in a few days and I’ll explain everything.” Elizabeth’s assurance calmed the girls.

“Are you back to stay?” Harper asked.

Elizabeth glanced my way. “Yes, I am, but I’ll be moving in with Hudson. We’ll be over to pick up the rest of my things tomorrow. I’m happy to pay for the room until you find someone else.”

Harper and Ellie exchanged a look of surprise but didn’t comment on us living together. “No need to pay, we probably won’t bother finding anyone else. We’re happy with it being the two of us, but of course, you’re welcome anytime if you want to move back,” Ellie smiled.

“Thank you, but I’m sure everything will work out between me and Hudson.”

“Okay, come on in, and get what you need.”

Inside, Elizabeth packed one of her suitcases, leaving only two to be done the following day.

Hugs and kisses were exchanged, and Devon drove us home. I couldn’t believe the lady of my dreams was moving into my home. I was going to go to sleep with her in my arms every night and wake up to her every morning.


After Elizabeth unpacked her suitcase and had everything put away in the wardrobe and drawers, I took her in my arms.

“I love you.”

“I love you too, but there is something we need to discuss.”

I didn’t like the serious note in Elizabeth’s voice. We moved to bed and sat.

“Okay, talk.” I squeezed her hands while waiting for her to speak.

“I don’t think I should come back to Jackson Corporation.”

“Why not?” I didn’t want Elizabeth to leave the corporation for a number of reasons. The main reason—she was a damn good data entry clerk.

“It doesn’t seem right, me and the boss living and working together.”

“I know many husband-and-wife couples who work together, and they aren’t always in management. I don’t know any reason why you shouldn’t stay.”

“What will the rest of the staff say when they find out?”

“Sweetheart, I don’t give a fuck what they say.”

“I’ll think it over.”

“Please do, sweetheart. Raya is extremely impressed with your work, and she likes you a lot.”

“Okay, I’m convinced.”

I placed a kiss to her lips and breathed a sigh of relief that she would be staying with my company.

“Anything else you’re worried about?”

“Not at the moment.”
