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And she knew that if she let him touch her, let him hold her, let him kiss her, she would be lost.

Before his hands reached her shoulder, she moved quickly away from him. She headed out the door and back into the main living space.

She grabbed her clutch from the table next to the sofa and headed toward the elevator. She halted at the closed doors and wondered why they weren't opening.

Then she remembered only Qazim could control the elevator.

Only he would have full control so that she could escape his world.

Escape this place. Escape him.

How typical, she snapped herself.

Always in control.

Was that the real reason she was fleeing like this?

To get away from a man who threatened to overwhelm her and take possession of every aspect of her life?

Grace groaned and turned. She saw Qazim coming toward her. He was still naked, almost unashamed.

"Can you open this for me?" she asked sharply.

Qazim halted in front of her. He gazed at her for a moment. Their eyes met and they exchanged an unspoken understanding.

There was final long pause, and then Qazim nodded. He went to the keypad by the door and punched in a sequence of numbers. The doors opened and Grace stepped quickly inside.

She turned and looked at Qazim.

It struck her that he didn't look defeated. She doubted if he would ever know what that felt like. Qazim wasn't one to admit defeat in anything.

His gaze was steady and patient.

"Goodbye Qazim," she said, not quite believing she was saying those words.

He didn't say a word. And as the elevator doors slid closed, Grace knew exactly why Qazim hadn't responded. She knew him well enough to be sure that, as far as he was concerned, this wasn't going to be a permanent goodbye.


Grace was gone.

Qazim stared at the closed doors of the elevator. He could hear the sound of the elevator car moving downwards, away from him, taking Grace with it.

Qazim felt a heaviness in his gut. His breathing felt tight.

She was gone.

He didn't know how he'd let that happen. But it had happened, right in front of his eyes.

Qazim turned away from the elevator doors and strode back into the apartment. It seemed so empty, now. The silence was almost like a physical thing which clawed at him as he stood gazing around.

Everything had happened so suddenly.

One moment he'd been lying alongside her, kissing her sweet body, inhaling the scent of their lovemaking. One moment he'd been the happiest man in the world.

And then, she'd pulled the rug right out from beneath him.
