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Had she completely misjudged him? Was he really just another arrogant man?

If she had been looking for some kind of wild passionate reaction from Qazim, then Grace had been disappointed. More than once, the thought had occurred to Grace that Qazim had already moved on from their relationship.

She'd played with the notion that he might have already found someone else.

If that was what he wanted, then fine, she'd told herself.

That realization had almost triggered indignation, an irrational desire to demand an explanation, in spite of all her efforts at self-control. In spite of the fact that she'd given up the right to such an explanation by the simple act of leaving him.

Eventually, though, she'd been almost relieved. For both of them. It was over between them, and it looked as if they were both going to carry on as if nothing had ever happened.

Well, that was a lie, Grace thought to herself. Something had definitely happened and she might well be about to find out the consequences of their last time together.

Over the next eight weeks, there had been weekly meetings. Every encounter with Qazim had been like that first post-breakup meeting.

Polite. Courteous. Impersonal.

Eventually, Grace had come to terms with Qazim's attitude, the choice he'd made. It had been her own choice as well, she reminded herself, so she had no right to feel even the slightest indignation.

And now, it was time for her to leave.

Time to go home. Back to where she belonged.

The prospect of going home filled Grace with anticipation. She'd thought she'd be able to start putting everything behind her.

All the madness. All the promise.

But there was a problem. Something she hadn't anticipated.

One final test.

Her heart was pounding as she entered the doctor's consulting room. The female doctor shook Grace's hand and gestured to the seat in front of her desk.

The doctor smiled at Grace. "I believe we know what has been causing your problem," she said matter-of-factly, coming straight to the point.

Grace felt something tighten in her chest. "Really?"

The doctor eyes brightened. Grace groaned inwardly. Didn't the doctor realize this wasn't going to be good news for Grace?

"Miss Collins. You are expecting a baby," the doctor announced.

Everything seemed to slow for a moment. Grace felt herself momentarily unsteady. She gripped onto the side of the chair, feeling the cold metal against her tight grasp. Grace felt her heart begin to race, sensed a pounding in her ears.

Grace was struck dumb and she felt the color drain from her features. Suddenly everything seemed utterly unreal. This couldn't be happening.

The doctor looked concerned. She peered at Grace. "Did you understand what I said, Miss Collins?" the doctor asked calmly.

Grace forced herself to nod. "Yes, doctor. I understand." Grace thought her voice sounded strangely weak, almost unlike herself. She could feel almost every muscle in her body begin to quiver involuntarily. The doctor leaned forward, elbows on the table.

"Would you like a glass of water?" the doctor said standing up and coming around the table.

Grace shook her head and looked up at the kindly, concerned features of the doctor. "No, thank you. I'm fine."

The doctor disregarded Grace's response and went to a small table and poured water into a small, plastic cup. She handed it to Grace.

Grace sipped the cool water and then smiled up at the doctor. "Thank you."

The doctor sat on the edge of the table. "Forgive me, but this seems to have come as a surprise to you. And not a particularly welcome one. Am I correct in assuming that?"
