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Grace nodded. "I know I've made some silly choices. I almost walked out on you." She sighed disbelievingly and shook her head. She frowned. "I can hardly believe I wanted to do that."

Qazim shook his head. "That's all in the past, now." He touched Zarif's head gently. "This is our future, Grace." He looked deep into her eyes. "And you and I. That's all that matters, from now on," he murmured. "Us."

Grace smiled at Qazim. "Qazim?"


"How did I take so long to find you?" she asked. "To find out what was true."

Qazim sighed quietly and shook his head, smiling at Grace. "All that matters, Grace, is that we found each other. We succeeded."

Qazim leaned his head closer to Grace and kissed her on her upraised lips. It was a gentle, soft kiss, one that meant everything was new, everything was filled with hope.

Their lips parted and he gazed into her beautiful eyes. He knew he had to say what was in his heart. The words came easily now. "I promise to devote my life to you, Grace. I will dedicate every moment of my life to making you happy."

Grace lifted a brow. "Really?" she said, with just a hint of playful teasing.

But, Qazim was deadly serious now. He glanced at Zarif. "Together we will be the happiest family in all of Qazhar."

Grace smiled. "I think there might be some competition for that title," she joked.

But he could see by the emotion in her eyes that his words had struck home. Her humor was just her usual way of pretending his words weren't affecting her. But he could see that they had affected her.


As if sensing she needed to reciprocate, Grace lifted her chin and smiled up at Qazim. There was a sudden happiness in her gaze. And, it warmed his heart when he heard her next few words.

"You remember those wedding vows?" she asked.

It seemed like a long time ago, but the vows were burned into his memory.

"Yes. I'll never forget them," he said.

Her gaze softened. "I told you that I would be a devoted wife and that I would honor and cherish you forever, didn't it?"

He nodded. "You did."

She moved her face closer to his. "I meant every word I said, Qazim," she murmured. Her eyes narrowed. "Every word was the truth. From now on, all we will know will be happiness and honor and love," she whispered, her voice cracking with emotion.

He'd never felt such emotion as that which swept through him when he heard her words.

Qazim smiled at Grace. "My beloved." Qazim paused and then said: "Habibti."

Grace's eyes glistened with emotion as he made that declaration, one that was centuries old. Theirs was a bond which would never be broken. One they'd fought hard to forge. But now, every barrier had been broken down.

Once again their lips met in a tender kiss. This time, Zarif stirred and opened his eyes, almost as if he'd sensed the joy within which he was enveloped. Zarif gazed up at his mother and father. He smiled.

Grace and Qazim smiled right back at Zarif.

Qazim wrapped his arms around Grace and Zarif. It felt so good to hold them close.

Now they were a family, he told himself.

And they would be, for all time.

