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Ahmed shrugged. "So what if you're right, Rashid? How does that affect me?"

"It isn't how it affects you, that matters, right now," Rashid exclaimed. "It's the problem you've given me as a result of your dishonorable actions."

Ahmed stiffened and took a step toward Rashid. But Rashid held his ground, staring defiantly at Ahmed.

Ahmed glared at Rashid. "You can say what you like to me about business, Rashid. But, do not try to suggest that I am not a man of honor."

Rashid stood rigid, obviously determined not to back down in any way.

Ahmed continued. "We might have our differences when it comes to business, but in matters of our personal integrity, you will not speak to me like that. Do you understand?"

For a few, long moments, both men's eyes were locked in silent challenge. Ahmed felt his heart pounding, sensed the tension in his body as he faced Rashid down.

Ahmed would tolerate a great deal from Rashid, but he would not accept any attempt to call into question his honor. That was something which was sacred and something upon which no man would be allowed to doubt.

"In any case, the damage has been done," Rashid said evenly. He took a few steps away from Ahmed and ran hand though his dark hair.

"What do you mean?" Ahmed asked.

Rashid peered at Ahmed and smiled sardonically. "As a result of your little escapade last night, it seems Miss Ellon has taken matters into her own, very capable hands."

Ahmed felt an involuntary chill creep up his spine. Ahmed squinted at Rashid, wondering what the man was talking about. "Has something happened to her?"

Rashid sighed. "That isn't perhaps how I would put it."

Anger flared instantly in Ahmed. He didn't like Rashid's casual tone. Didn't he realize that this was a precious woman he was talking about? Not just another employee of his organization.

Ahmed moved even closer to Rashid. He felt a sudden impulse to grab the lapels of Rashid's expensive jacket and force the truth out of him.

But, before he had a chance to do that, Rashid spoke. "Miss Ellon has gone."

"What!" Ahmed exclaimed. He felt his body stiffen.

"I called on her this morning to ask her about this, and discovered she has left her apartment," Rashid explained.

"Where is she?" Ahmed asked urgently.

Rashid shrugged. "I don't know. The concierge at the apartment said she left this morning, early and told him she would return in a couple of days. That was all she said. She also left a message on her social media channels. All of them."

Rashid looked down at his cell phone and read out Gemma's written words from the screen. "Dear everyone. I will be taking a break for a day or two. But, I'll be back. I love you all. Bye."

Rashid looked up at Ahmed and shook his head. "This is not acceptable. Going off like that, without asking me."

Ahmed ignored that typical expression of Rashid's usual self-interest. "And she didn't say where she was going?" Ahmed asked.

Rashid shook his head. "I didn't think you would be this interested, Ahmed," Rashid said. There was a sly look on his face.

Ahmed frowned. "I am merely concerned for the safety of a young woman who has just arrived here and has obviously been the victim of an unfortunate misunderstanding."

Rashid scowled. "That is what you call it? A misunderstanding? I think I understand quite well what you were doing last night when you invited her into your limo."

"What are you suggesting, Rashid?" Ahmed demanded.

"Merely that your reputation is well known."

Ahmed nodded. "Yes. She told me you had been telling her some things about me that weren't exactly flattering."

Rashid leaned his head to one side and twisted his mouth. He seemed indifferent to the accusation. But, then again, this wasn't the first time Rashid had tried to damage Ahmed's reputation. And, no doubt it wouldn't be the last, he reflected.
