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"Have you done anything to find out where she is?" Ahmed asked. "After all, she is your responsibility."

"Really?" Rashid responded. "And you weren't responsible for this mess last night?"

"That's not the problem, right now. And you know it. All that matters is we find out where she's gone."

Rashid sighed. "I've made some inquiries, but to no avail. No-one knows where she may have disappeared to. For all we know, she might have run off into the desert."

Rashid's words made Ahmed freeze instantly.

The desert.

Ahmed recalled his conversation with Gemma in the garden. He remembered how curious she'd been when he'd told her about Qabiyah and his own private encampment near to the town.

She had seemed more than just curious about the isolation of the town, and how it might provide a much needed respite from her busy life. And it would guarantee anonymity, too.

Now that he thought of it, she'd seemed more than just casually interested. Perhaps this temporary disappearance was something she'd been wanting for a long time.

Maybe there was more to Miss Ellon than met the eye, Ahmed reflected. He was seized by a sudden desire to know more about the intriguing American.

Rashid was watching Ahmed closely. "What are you thinking, Ahmed?" Rashid asked. "Do you have an idea where she might have gone?"

Ahmed dragged his attention back to the present. "What? No," he muttered vaguely. "I was just thinking that I could ask a few people who might be able to look into it."

Rashid scoffed and shook his head. "I'd appreciate it of you would leave that to me. I think you've already done enough."

Ahmed squinted at Rashid. "You're not going to let this go, are you?"

Rashid frowned. "Why would I? This is entirely your fault." He narrowed his eyes. "If I didn't know better, I might think you arranged for her disappearance, yourself."

"Me? Do something like that? What are you talking about?" Ahmed exclaimed. "I might enjoy interfering in your business," he said and smiled at Rashid. "And I do enjoy that, Rashid. Ahmed ignored Rashid's customary frown at being taunted. "But, I would never be involved in making a beautiful, young woman disappear," Ahmed continued. "What do you take me for?"

"Beautiful, eh?" Rashid said sarcastically. "So you admit you find her attractive."

Ahmed shrugged and sighed heavily. Right now wasn't the time to tell Rashid just how attracted he was to Gemma. It would be better to keep that well and truly private. The man would merely take such an admission and use it against Ahmed.

And, right now, Ahmed was enjoying having the upper hand. The fact that he was almost sure he knew where Gemma had gone provided an enjoyable, private moment of victory over Rashid.

"I suppose she has a certain appeal," Ahmed said casually. "But you know how American women can be, Rashid," he said. Rashid's brows lifted with curiosity and ashamed continued. "They can be so unpredictable," Ahmed added with a sly grin.

Rashid knew when he was being played with. He ignored that last remark."Last night, it looked like she had more than just a certain appeal, as you put it," Rashid responded.

"Haven't you got better things to do than stand here arguing with me and making false accusations?" Ahmed asked.

Rashid looked at his watch. "You're right. I have some calls to make." He peered at Ahmed. "If you find out anything, you will let me know, won't you."

Ahmed smiled generously. Too generously he realized when he saw Rashid's reaction. "Of course. You can rely on me."

With one last disbelieving look, Rashid turned and headed back to his limo. Ahmed watched it drive off and then headed back toward his apartment.

As he rode up in the elevator, he thought about the situation. He was certain that Gemma must have decided the only place she could find absolute privacy would be somewhere like Qabiyah. Only there would she be anonymous. No-one would recognize her there.

The place had no connection to the outside world. She wouldn't be able to use a cell phone and there was no internet. It was the perfect place for her, right now. If she had gone there for a few days, to gather her thoughts, to let this whole crazy situation blow over, then there was only one way he was going to know for sure.

And that was by going there himself. It was worth a try. The town was a short drive to the north of the city.

And, of course, if he did find her there, then he would be able to offer her even greater anonymity.

Something to which only he had access.
