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She was still in Qazhar. All she needed was some time to think. And some time for the internet storm around her and Ahmed's name to blow itself out. That would happen quick enough, she told herself. The average story on social media lasted about twenty-four hours. Max.

And then everyone simply moved on to the next scandal of the day.

And, Gemma was relieved that, by coming here, by finding temporary sanctuary in a place where no-one knew her, she might just benefit from people's short memories and their hunger for the next big news story.

One thing was for sure. It wouldn't be anything about her.

Since arriving here, she'd quickly realized that sleeping options might be limited. There were some rooms available in an inn at the far end of the street.

She'd gone there and taken a look, but had come to the conclusion that it didn't look clean enough. Also, the man who ran the inn seemed to have taken an unwholesome interest in Gemma as she'd stood outside surveying the ramshackle building.


The rental car might have to do for at least one night, she told herself. In any case, it wouldn't be the first time she'd slept in a car.

Back home, in the States, before all this so-called fame had descended upon her, Gemma had had some rough times. Being an orphan had been tough, and she had spent too many years being passed from one foster home to another. The memories of times out in the cold were still vivid in her mind.

But, it had made her tough. She'd faced everything life could throw at her and, somehow, she had prevailed. She'd survived and even prospered in the most curious and surprising way imaginable.

That had been part of her story, of course. One of the reasons why so many people had taken to her when she'd started to become well known.

She was the girl who had triumphed over adversity, and maintained a clean living life in the process. That story had proven to be irresistible, it turned out.

And always, there had been the unspoken question. Was Gemma as pure as she made herself out to be? The fact that she claimed she'd never really found the right man to spend her life with, surely implied that her life was pure in the most obvious sense.

In fact, was Gemma a virgin? No-one had ever asked her straight to her face, but there had been plenty of speculation on social media, none of it she could control.

She'd always avoided the question, never commenting on it. But, when she'd seen some of the headlines last night, that had been one of the most common.

Speculation had been rife that somehow Sheikh Ahmed had found a way into her heart, that he was the one who was finally going to change everything for Gemma.

Well, she wasn't about to let that happen. She'd had plenty of time to think about Sheikh Ahmed while she had been driving up to Qabiyah.

And there was one thing about which she was certain. In spite of the obvious fact that he was just about the most gorgeous man she'd ever seen, there was no way she was going to get involved with Sheikh Ahmed.

Not even if, as she'd seen, he was definitely attracted to her. That much had been plain to see ever since she'd set eyes on him in the garden. She wasn't about to become his latest conquest, especially since it would probably just be motivated by his rivalry with Rashid.

Who did he think she was? Someone for whom wealth and power and sexuality would simply cause her to open herself up to him.

No doubt that was what he was used to. She could tell he was experienced. She was sure he'd had plenty of women drooling over him over the last few years.

But, Gemma was determined not to be the next.

Was that why she'd raced away from the city so quickly? That she needed to make a statement of some kind to Ahmed?

If so, then she was sure he'd get the message loud and clear, once he tried to contact her after their encounter last night. And she was sure he would call her apartment; try to invite her out to dinner. He was the kind of man who would not give up easily. Hadn't he admitted that to her? That when he wanted something, nothing would stop him from claiming it?

Well, it wouldn't be her, she told herself firmly as she finished her coffee and left the cafe. She banished all thoughts about Ahmed and spent a long while exploring the town, wandering along the narrow lanes and exploring the ancient buildings. She'd always had a fascination with architecture and she'd never seen buildings quite like these.

All through her wanderings during the late afternoon, she never felt unsafe for even a moment. As far as the inhabitants of the town were concerned, she was almost invisible. She was more than happy with that.

The afternoon passed quickly and evening approached. She started to feel hungry and she wentback to the same cafe again where she enjoyed a savoury dish of exquisitely seasoned and spicy lamb and vegetables.

While she ate she watched the sky begin to darken and she saw the orange glow on the far horizon as the sun began to set. The air started to become noticeably cooler and she knew that soon she would have to think about going back to her car.

She finished her meal and said farewell to the proprietor.

Gemma walked to the edge of town and paused, taking in the spectacle of the bright orange sky. It was a glorious sight, something the likes of which she'd never seen back home.
