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Stars began to flicker in the wide, darkening sky. As she gazed upon the sight, she felt a tremendous peace fill her entire being. Nothing had ever made her feel anything like this before. There was a reality here that was totally unique. She felt more alive, now, than she'd felt in a long time.

For a long time she watched the sky become darker, savoring the peace of this place. As darkness fell the town began to quieten. The townsfolk disappeared into their homes. Then it was almost dark and she knew it was time to go to her car.

She headed back to where she had left the rental car, just on the outskirts of the town. She found it where she had left it, safe and intact, just as she'd expected to find it. She couldn't imagine ever having any trouble out here. The people she'd seen since arriving seemed so good-natured, so authentic.

The idea that this could be a dangerous place seemed ridiculous to her as she opened the car door and slid into the seat, closing the door firmly. The door locked automatically.

It was quiet in the vehicle and she suddenly started feeling tired. The emotions of the last twenty-four hours seemed to catch up with her within a short time of sitting in the car. She realized that if it became too cold, she could use the car's heating system. But, for now, that wasn't necessary.

She closed her eyes and felt herself drift off to sleep.

Dreams took hold her quickly. In the dreams she saw everyone she'd met since arriving in Qazhar. But somehow they all seemed different from real life. More vivid, more intense.

At one point her dreams became noisy, and she saw faces calling to her, shouting her name, demanding her attention, wanting things from her. She wanted to ignore them all, desperate to be left alone. To tell them that that life was over and done with. That she'd moved on. But they wouldn't stop calling her name.

And then one voice became more insistent than the others.


She saw his face in her dream and he was calling her name.

Then, something shifted in her body, and she felt herself awakening. Then she realized that it wasn't just in her dream that she could hear her name.

She opened her eyes, sleepily and slowly. It was dark outside and in the car. The only light was a faint glow which came from the half moon high in the sky.

And by that light she could see something that took her completely by surprise, almost making her call out in surprise.

Outside her car, seated on the back of a glorious looking dark stallion, and looking right at her, was Sheikh Ahmed.


Gemma couldn't believe what she was looking at.

Sheikh Ahmed was here? In Qabiyah?

She peered at him incredulously through the windscreen of the car. He was gazing right at her, apparently pleased that she was now awake. Had he been calling her name?

In the dim light, he looked incredible, sitting atop the horse. Instead of the suit he'd been wearing at the reception, now his body was draped in a traditional white robe, the garb of the desert sheikh. His head was uncovered and his shoulder length dark hair glistened in the moonlight.

He held the reins of the horse in white-knuckled hands. The horse bucked nervously beneath him but, with a firm tug of the reins, he took control of the animal. Perhaps it sensed his excitement at finding her, because, judging by the expression on his face, Gemma was sure Ahmed was pleased to see her.

He pointed to the side of the car and moved his horse around to near the door. She opened the door and stepped out onto the flat, sandy ground.

"Ahmed! What are you doing here?" she asked gazing up at him.

Ahmed threw the reins around the horse's neck and leaped down, landing with a thud on the ground in front of her.

"I was about to ask you the same question, Miss Ellon," he replied.

She gasped and frowned at him. "How did you find me?"

He smiled. "Have you forgotten I was the one who told you about this place?"

She snorted. "Did you follow me?"

He gave her an incredulous look. "It wasn't that difficult to guess where you'd come."

"Does Rashid know I'm here? In fact, who does know where I am?"
