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He'd almost gone right over there and pulled her out of the shadows and embraced her, crushing her against his nakedness.

But, he'd managed to restrain himself.


And now she was back in the safety of her bed. But this time he was sure her mind would be filled with thoughts of what she'd just seen. His mind most certainly was.

He went back into his own tent and dried himself with a towel. As he did so, he was tortured by the thought that she was in the next tent.

So close and yet so far away.

Heat flared in him as he thought of her lying in the bed, her own desire aroused by the sight of his nakedness.

He wondered why she had done such a thing. What had tempted her to venture out into the night and take a chance like that?

Had she taken pleasure out of watching him? He assumed she had done. She would not have lingered so long if she hadn't.

So, what did that tell him about her?

Simply that his suspicions had been confirmed. She was attracted to him, even if she tried to deny it.

He felt the tension in his body, felt himself harden, just at the thought of Gemma's sweet, warm body crushed against his.

Ahmed dragged in a deep breath, realizing that by bringing her here, he'd inadvertently set himself up for torture during the coming day and night.

Exquisite torture, he told himself.

That was, of course, assuming she would stay. Perhaps, tomorrow, when she awoke, she would see the madness of her decision to come her with him. Maybe seeing him naked like that might make her want to run from him as fast as she could.

But, he didn't think that likely.


He smiled as he thought, once again, of the way she had chosen to wait in the shadows, watching him.

No. Gemma wasn't going to demand that he take her home. On the contrary, she might now be tempted to remain, just to see how this dangerous and tempting situation would develop.

And he was quite happy with that.

More than happy, in fact. It was exactly what he wanted.

He did not want to take her back to the village, to the safety of her car. He wanted her to stay. Because, as he'd stood there, by the side of the pool, he'd felt a glowing desire burst into life, a desperate need for her, and he wasn't about to give up.

Not this easily. Not now that she was here.

Of course, if she demanded that he take her back to the village, he would. He was determined to behave with honor in everything to do with this extraordinary woman.

But he doubted she would make such a demand.

Temptation had been ignited, and the flame would not be extinguished quite so easily, he told himself.

He lay down on the carpeted floor with cushions at his head. He was used to sleeping on hard floors, and within a few minutes he was falling into a deep sleep.

Images of Gemma filled his mind as he drifted into darkness.

HE AWOKE THE NEXT MORNING and immediately attended to food. There was a small storage unit in one corner of the tent. This was replenished by the visiting tribesmen. They kept it stocked with basic foods, mostly dried fruits and meats, along with a variety of desert food that would keep safely.

He knew it wasn't what she would be used to, but it would be enough.
