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Anticipation as well as trepidation.

For a moment, she wondered what she was going to do. What she could do.

All she knew, though, was that when she'd looked at him out there, the sight of his body had made her feel like she'd never felt before.

She moaned with frustration and shifted onto her side, trying to figure out what all this meant. She'd intended for this to be some kind of escape, a flight to temporary safety. But, instead, it looked like she'd thrown herself into one of the most perilous situations she'd even been in.

The man was just so tempting, so utterly enticing. She worried she might not be able to resist that temptation.

She'd resisted attractive men before, but Ahmed was a completely different proposition. He wasn't like the men who'd tried to seduce Gemma before. There was nothing awkward or hesitant or clumsy about Ahmed. Not like the others.

She'd seen the confidence in his manner out there. She'd witnessed the easy assurance. He was a man who was completely confident in his skin.

His naked skin.

And then there was the promise of that manhood. She closed her eyes and saw its thickness, its fullness in her mind's eyes. She could only imagine what it would feel like to be close to him, to be with him in every possible way.

Could she dare give in to the impulses which were now driving her mad with desire, crazy with need?

How could all of this have happened so suddenly, so quickly, she asked herself?

She'd heard of instant attraction between men and women, but she'd never thought it could ever happen to her.

Maybe it was because her life back home was so intense, so superficial. There was never any time for closeness. Maybe people were just blinded to attraction by the sheer speed of the life they lived back in her world.

But, this was his world, and she'd seen him in all his wonderful, primal reality. He'd looked like he'd stepped out of some ancient fantasy.

Maybe that was part of the allure, part of the driving need she was feeling. He was so different from every man she'd ever met.

After what she'd witnessed out there, no man would ever come close. Not ever again, she told herself.

She drew in a deep breath and told herself she needed to sleep, needed to let the experience of the last few minutes really sink in. Maybe in the light of a new day she would see things differently.

But, as she closed her eyes and started to drift off into sleep, there was a quiet voice at the back of her mind whispering to her that, after tonight, nothing would ever be the same again.


She had seen him at the pool, and he knew it.

Ahmed walked slowly past the entrance to Gemma's tent. He was still naked. His skin felt cool in the night air.


She'd seen him like this, and, truthfully, he had enjoyed it.

Even as he'd been swimming in the pool, he'd become aware of her presence, barely visible in the dark shadow of the tent's corner.

He could imagine how she had felt as she'd watched him from there, hiding in the darkness, no doubt savoring the sight of him naked as he emerged from the pool.

Some part of him had wanted to play that game, teasing her, showing himself to her. He'd seen the way she'd looked at him in the hotel.

Also, down at the village and when they had arrived at the encampment. There, her glances had been filled with approval, with appreciation.

He knew that and the incident, just now, at the pool had given him a chance to capitalize on that understanding.

He'd found the whole experience vaguely arousing, if he was being honest with himself. And when he'd turned to face her, showing himself completely to her, he'd felt a stirring in his loins that had threatened to bring him to a fully aroused state.

He wondered what would have happened if his desire had gotten the better of him. Because that desire had almost turned a casual game into a burning need.
