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He nodded. "Something I didn't expect." He tilted his head and curled the corner of his mouth. There was something almost feral about that look. She instantly felt as if she'd been cornered by him. That he was the predator she knew him to be. And that she was his prey.

Normally, there was someone else on hand to put a stop to this. But not today. Right now, she felt isolated here in the gazebo. Of course, she could go back into the palace on her own. Leave him behind. But then there would be awkward questions.

"What are you talking about?" She knew the answer to that. But, somehow, she wanted to delay his inevitable words.

"I didn't expect that something would develop between us," he said.

She frowned. "Nothing has developed between us, Kadeem," she said urgently. She glared at him. "Nothing," she added emphatically.

He shook his head slowly and emphatically. "That's where you're wrong, Eliana," he murmured.

He moved to within inches of her. She saw his nostrils flare. His lips opened and he ran his tongue slowly, teasingly along the length of his moist lower lip.

Instinctively, her heart began to race. Her body flared with inexplicable pleasure. She fought it, but knew she wouldn't win.

Her mind was filled with thoughts about how she could stop this. But her body just didn't want to move. Every nerve strained with anticipation. She was transfixed by the sight of Kadeem.

"I know you're attracted to me, Eliana," he stated boldly.

Her mouth opened and she prepared herself to object. Then he leaned forward, dipped his head and, before she knew what was happening, his lips crashed down upon hers.

Eliana gasped. Sensation flamed into life throughout her body. Every nerve flickered with vibrant feeling. He moved his body against her, his hands taking hold of her shoulders, grasping her tightly.

She felt his tongue probe her mouth, and once again, her body was overwhelmed with exquisite sensation. She groaned, submitting to the intense pleasure. The sound triggered a stronger reaction in him. He drew her body against him.

Eliana's hands moved to his torso, as if trying to force him back. As if she could contain the ferocity of his sudden desire.

She felt his tight abdomen. And, with her other hand, she sensed the hardness of the muscles of his upper chest. Touching him like this was a forbidden pleasure she'd never thought she'd have. His body felt hot and tight with need. She could feel the tension in every one of his taut muscles.

Still, he continued to kiss her. Now, the kiss was becoming even more fervent, even more passionate. Somewhere in her mind, she asked herself where all this could lead. She knew the answer to that, and the realization triggered a flickering of anxiety.

This wasn't supposed to happen, she told herself. This madness had never been a part of their agreement. What did he think he doing? Was he willing to throw away everything they'd planned? Just so that he could have her like this?

Something shifted, deep inside her, in a distant part of her awareness. She stiffened and lifted her head back. Their lips parted and Kadeem stared wide-eyed at her. His features were flushed with desire and there was a wild look in his eyes. She'd never seen him like this before.

"Please, Kadeem," she breathed. She leaned away from him and tried to compose herself. But, the truth was, her heart was pounding at a ferocious rate and she was out of breath.

Kadeem seemed to snap back to the present. He straightened and twisted away from her. He cleared his throat awkwardly. "You must forgive me, Princess," he said stiffly and very formally. "I don't know what came over me."

Eliana stood and straightened her ruffled dress. There was a very long pause, during which she considered what she could say to him.

This expression of total desire had come out of nowhere. It had been like an insane impulse, an uncontrollable urge which had taken possession of him. Right now, there was only one thing she could say to him. Her own mind was a jumble of chaotic thoughts. She knew she had to reestablish some kind of normality between them.

"There's nothing to forgive, Sheikh Kadeem," she said evenly. She looked down at him and saw him staring at her. "But, I would prefer if we would go back to the palace." She peered at him and added sharply. "Now, please."

Kadeem stood. Every trace of his need had faded now. He drew in a deep breath and bowed slightly. "Of course," he said stiffly.

She was surprised at his sudden transformation. That had been too easy, she told herself.

"In fact, I'd like to go back to Qazhar city," she said. "If you don't mind."

His mouth opened and, for a moment, he seemed genuinely surprised at her demand. Then he nodded. "I understand," he said sharply.

"In any case, if you're planning on making an announcement, I'll have to get myself ready, won't I?" she snapped.

"About that," he said. "I realize I might have been a little premature."

"A little?" she scoffed.
