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"So, what did you mean by suggesting that we might be about to make an announcement?" she asked. "Like the opposite of what we agreed."

He nodded. "Are we talking about a formal engagement?"

In spite of herself, she gasped. His words shocked her. Eliana turned away from him and sighed heavily. She felt her heart quicken. Her throat tightened.

She glanced at him and saw him edging closer to her. When he spoke, his voice was low and quiet. "You can trust me, Eliana," he said quietly. "I wouldn't have done anything without asking you first."

He obviously intended for the words to be reassuring. But, right now, she didn't think he could say anything to calm her nerves.

"Really?" she asked. "Am I supposed to be reassured by that?"

He slid an arm across the back of the seat, but refrained from touching her. He hardly ever touched her, anyway, she reflected. Apart from polite exchanges, like their greeting today, the truth was she and Kadeem had succeeded in avoiding even the most casual physical contact. Although, if she was being honest, there had been times when she'd been tempted to allow him to touch her.

Just a little.

To see if her suspicions were confirmed.

That it would feel good to be in Kadeem's arms. For a short while, at least. But, until now, she'd resisted that temptation. Forcefully.

It hadn't been easy. Eliana glanced at Kadeem's dark, perfectly formed features. He was just about the sexiest guy she'd ever known.

Devastatingly, heart-meltingly sexy, actually, she told herself. Of course, she'd never reveal her secret thoughts. Not in a million years.

Holding her emotions in check felt so familiar, she reflected.

Too familiar.

Palace life back in her own country had been a long tale of Eliana being protected from the attentions of any suitors. Especially the gold diggers. The ones who only wanted her for her wealth and privilege. And there had been plenty of those types, she recalled with more than a tinge of regret. It had made for some pretty frustrating encounters and really awkward dates.

All of which meant she had been virtually chaperoned on every arranged date.

That had meant limited opportunities for intimacy. She tried not to dwell on that. She knew she was inexperienced. She wasn't sure whether Kadeem could tell that from the way she acted while she was around him.

Back in Zahram, Eliana could hardly go anywhere without being followed by some security guard or palace staff member. It came with the territory with her being a princess.

It seemed the princess was just too great a prize to be squandered on unwanted male gold diggers, of which, according to her father, there were far too many around in the region.

So, as a result of that protection, intimate experience with incredibly sexy men like the sheikh who was sitting right next to her hadn't been a major part of her life. Princess Eliana had led a sheltered existence with virtually no privacy. That meant she was innocent in more ways than one. That was her secret truth.

She wondered if Kadeem could tell. She knew that Kadeem was experienced in ways that she could only imagine. He was the kind of sheikh who would have had many women. Experience oozed out of every one of his pores.

Kadeem's eyes narrowed, and she could see what she thought be genuine concern in them. Did he understand how difficult this was for her?

"I'd hoped that, after the last few weeks, we could at least bring ourselves to have some trust in one another," he murmured.

She shook her head. "That's not what this was supposed to be about, Kadeem. You know that. We agreed this would be a temporary situation. We'd lead everyone to think we're incompatible. Then we'd move on. You'd go back to being a royal sheikh, and I'd go back to my country, and resume my life as a princess." She shrugged. "Have I missed something?"

He looked suddenly thoughtful. "Maybe you have, Eliana," he said.

"What do you mean?"

He moved slightly closer. She caught his scent on the breeze. As usual the intoxicating mixture triggered something primal in her. She felt butterflies tumbling in her middle.

"There's been a change," he said slowly. "A real one. Not fake."

His eyes were suddenly filled with dark promise. She'd seen that look before. Knew what it meant.

