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"Times are not so different as you think, Kadeem," his father replied. "Your obligations are just like mine were when I was your age."

Kadeem sighed heavily. "Must we do this again, father?"

Zaeed leaned forward. He suddenly seemed to tower above Kadeem. In spite of his advancing years, his father's presence was genuinely intimidating at times, Kadeem reflected.

"We must be clear about what your intentions are toward the princess," Zaeed said.

"Why? What business is it of everyone whether I agree to this potential marriage?""

Zaeed frowned. "What kind of a question is that? We merely wish that you should do what you're supposed to do."

In spite of himself, Kadeem felt his jaw tighten, felt his body stiffen involuntarily. "What I'm supposed to do?" he repeated acidly.

Zaeed nodded. "Carry out your role as a sheikh and prince, Kadeem."

"Haven't I done that?" Kadeem demanded.

Zaeed shook his head. "Not in this matter," he replied. "This marriage is a necessity, Kadeem. You know that."

Kadeem sighed. "And I have no say in the matter?"

Zaeed shook his head slowly. "Duty is duty, my son," he said calmly.

Kadeem sighed, glancing away from his father for a moment. He looked back at Zaeed. "And Princess Eliana?"

"What of her?"

Kadeem leaned forward. "Surely she must have a say in the matter."

Zaeed smiled. "From my discussion with her father, it seems the princess already understands what is expected of her."

Kadeem's eyes widened. "She is to be forced into this? Even if she does not wish it?"

Zaeed leaned back in his seat and tilted his head. "She is an obedient daughter," he said. "Unlike my, apparently quite disobedient son," Zaeed added, his mouth turning downward.

"That isn't fair, father," Kadeem exclaimed. "You do not understand the situation in its entirety. Ellie and I have spoken of this. She has her own views."

Zaeed lifted a brow. "Ellie?" he asked casually.

Kadeem straightened in his chair. "I mean, the Princess Eliana."

Zaeed's eyes narrowed with interest. Kadeem worried that, by using Eliana's familiar name, he might have revealed too much of his closeness to her. Kadeem needed his father to believe that he and Eliana still had some way to go before even a hint of closeness between them could be revealed.

"And what exactly are her views?" Zaeed asked.

"You'll get a chance to find out tomorrow," Kadeem snapped. "Of course, if you can't wait, you could always ask her yourself. But that might not be so easy."

"What do you mean?" Zaeed asked sternly.

"I couldn't help noticing that, since she came here, you haven't exactly been interested in speaking with her. In fact, you've hardly spoken a kind, or even polite, word to her since she arrived."

Zaeed lifted his chin and looked at Kadeem. "There are protocols involved in arrangements like this." To Kadeem that didn't sound at all convincing.

"Really?" Kadeem asked ironically.

Zaeed shifted uneasily on the chair. "There are rules to be followed," he said defensively. "I leave the feminine niceties to your mother. And the princess's mother. It has always been the way of things."

"How very convenient," Kadeem observed wryly.
