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"Kadeem!" Zaeed roared. He leaned forward obviously intent on continuing.

But Kadeem had already risen from his chair and was turning to leave. "I must go, father."

Zaeed stood, came around the table and faced Kadeem. "You still haven't told me of your intentions."

Kadeem smiled at his father and shook his head. "No, I haven't, father. Have I?" he stated sarcastically.

His father's jaw tightened. There was a fire in his father's eyes that Kadeem knew all too well.

Kadeem went to the door. As he started to leave, he turned and faced his father. "You'll just have to wait and see, father."

And with that, Kadeem walked out of the office and closed the door behind him.

As he walked down the palace corridor, Kadeem thought about what he had to do next.

The idea of pressure being put on Eliana worried Kadeem. After their time at the gazebo, he knew that last thing he wanted was for her to be coerced into anything she didn't want. She didn't deserve that.

There was only one thing he could think to do. He had to see Eliana before tomorrow's announcement. He tried to ignore thoughts of what had happened earlier in the garden. He had been seized by an uncontrollable impulse. And, it might have been a mistake. An exquisite mistake. The taste of her sweet lips was still a lingering memory. The feel of her body against his had stirred a firm and undeniable need in him.

Kadeem needed an answer.

He had to find out, once and for all, if there was any chance in the world that she would ever consider a marriage to a sheikh of Qazhar.


In the early part of the evening, Eliana heard a knock at her door. She opened it and saw Sayirah standing out in the corridor.

"You have a visitor, Princess, Sayirah said.


Sayirah smiled. "It is the sheikh."

"Kadeem is here?" Eliana shrieked. Her voice echoed down the length of the marble-floored corridor.

Sayirah nodded. Eliana grasped at the collar of her casual gown. "Where is he?"

"Downstairs, ma'am," Sayirah replied. "In the reception room."

Eliana thought for a moment. Why had Kadeem come? And without calling in advance to let her know. He'd never done this before. She wondered if there was something wrong. Or maybe it was possible he'd had a change of heart after their time in the garden. Perhaps he had come to tell her he would not hold her to a foolish engagement.

She looked at Sayirah. "Come in," she ordered Sayirah. "Help me get prepared."

Within a few minutes, Eliana had chosen another dress, this oneblue and of plain design. She slipped on a pair of flat shoes and Sayirah helped her to hurriedly tidy her freshly washed hair into a neat bun. Glancing at herself in the mirror, Eliana told herself that, under the circumstances, she looked as acceptable as could be expected at such short notice.

She rushed Sayirah out of the room and headed downstairs. She ignored some of the curious looks from the embassy staff as she made her way into the high-ceilinged reception room.

Kadeem was standing over by the window. He turned as she entered and glanced at the figure of Sayirah who was standing behind Eliana. Coming down the staircase, Eliana had told herself she would be firm with Kadeem. That she would demand an explanation for this unwanted visit.

But, seeing him standing there like that, dressed in a crisply pressed dark suit and white open-necked shirt, she felt every one of her objections vanish from her mind. He looked amazing.

Kadeem cleared his throat and moved toward her. "Princess Eliana," he said in a measured tone of voice. "Apologies for my unannounced visit."

Eliana clasped her hands and turned to Sayirah. "That will be all, Sayirah. If I need you, I'll call."

Sayirah's expression was blank as she bowed and left the room.

After the door had closed, Eliana moved rapidly to Kadeem. "Why have you come? You know that my father would not approve of this," she said.
