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Kadeem walked away from Eliana and stood in front of the floor to ceiling, tinted windows. He thrust his hands into his pockets and gazed out at the brightly-lit cityscape.

As she advanced toward him, she saw her reflection in the darkened windows. She stood to one side and glanced at him.

"It seems our fathers were talking about us today," he told her. "When they were out in the desert."

"Some kind of paternal royal marriage talk?" she stated. "How quaint," she added in a wry voice.

He nodded slowly. "I got the impression that your father has been trying to force you to do something you really don't want to do," Kadeem said. He turned to face her. "Is that true?"

"You think he's been putting me under pressure?

To her surprise, Kadeem shook his head. "No. Is it true that you have already decided that there is no circumstance under which you will ever consider me as a potential husband. That you've already rejected me. And that you've said so to your father."

For a moment, she was completely taken aback by his words. "I haven't said any such thing," she admitted.

"Then why does he disapprove of me so much?" Kadeem demanded.

"He doesn't," she objected.

Kadeem shook his head. "You saw how he looked at me, yesterday. He has already rejected me, out of hand. Even before I have a chance."

"To do what, Kadeem?" she asked.

He looked suddenly thoughtful for a long moment and then shook his head. He didn't reply to her question.

She scoffed. "He's like that with everyone. At least with every one of the suitors back in Zahram," she said.

The second she'd uttered the words, she regretted them. His gaze darkened. "Suitors? You mean potential husbands?"

"Forget I said that," she replied.

"How many have there been? Before me." he asked.

She turned to face the window. "That's not important."

He moved in front of her. Now he was close enough that, if he wanted to, he could touch her. "I know you're no innocent. But how many potential husbands have there been. Am I just the latest?"

She flashed an angry look at him. "What kind of a question is that to ask me? And how dare you use that word."

He looked puzzled. "What word?"

"Innocent?" she snapped. She glared at him, indignation sweeping through her. "I know what you really mean by that."

"You do?" he inquired in a flat voice.

Eliana felt heat rise to her cheeks. She was glad that the light was subdued in the apartment. It would hide the fact that he'd affected her with his words. Affected her more than she would admit. How dare he question her like that?

Had he just betrayed the real reason why her father disapproved of him? That he was from a lower order than her own family? She still recalled the sarcastic comments and jokes she'd heard back in Zahram about the sheikhs of Qazhar. How they were all descended from rough desert tribes. How none of them had real royal blood in their veins. Especially the Al Kharif family.

But, Kadeem wasn't like that, was he? She'd witnessed so many other sides of him since she'd been here in Qazhar. There was a true regal aspect to him which was undeniable. Maybe her father just hadn't seen it, yet. But she had.

It was that quality which had allowed her to forge even the weak and fragile connection she had with him. But, was it strong enough to last?

Kadeem moved closer. "I apologize," he said. "That was uncalled for. You didn't deserve that. It's none of my concern."

She peered up at him. "Is this the reason why you brought me here?"

Kadeem's gaze softened. "Did I need to have a reason?"
