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He eased closer to her. She felt her heartbeat begin to quicken. Panic seized her. "I've been here long enough," she said hastily.

He lifted his hand and gently touched her chin. "You only just got here," he murmured.

This time it was the sound of her pulse roaring in her ears that captured her attention. It dragged her awareness mercifully away from the exquisite sensation of his touch.

She moved as if to begin to make her way to the elevator. But he intercepted her, positioning himself with a temptingly defiant stance. Heat flared in her middle as she looked up into his hooded gaze.

"Kadeem," she muttered. "This was a mistake."

He didn't move. Merely gazed at her silently for a long moment. Then, he shook his head. "There's nothing mistaken about you being here with me, Ellie," he said.

He moved closer, and she watched him. She felt hypnotized, captivated by his sheer masculinity.

Then he cupped her face in his hands. She lifted her face up to him, as if she was offering him a willing sacrifice. Because, right now, that was what she felt like. And it wasn't the first time he'd triggered that feeling in her.

Then his head dipped, and his warm lips were upon hers. She gasped as sensation swept through her body. She stretched up on her toes, instinctively seeking more of him.

When his tongue probed her mouth, electric sensation shot through her. It was as if every nerve in her body had flared into exquisite life.

He growled like a feral presence and she sensed something come to life within her. She felt the heat of his skin.

His hand moved down and he swept her into his embrace. He crushed her body against his. She felt the hardness of his torso, the firmness of his desire. Heat flared at her core in response to the gentle pressure of his desire against her belly. Treacherous thoughts filled her mind, but she wasn't able to push them away. The truth was, she didn't want them to vanish.

His embrace enveloped her even more. She felt as if she'd been swept up inside an unstoppable force of nature. She could feel the hunger in him, the strength of his need. This was nothing like the kiss in the garden, she told herself. This was completely different. As if he was taking possession of her entire being.

For a moment, she told herself it wasn't too late to turn back. She could still deny herself the pleasure he so obviously promised her. But, even as she played with that thought, she knew it was a lie. Temptation had been growing in her for a long time. The temptation of Kadeem.

She knew she was alone with him. Knew what that could mean. His bed was only a short distance away.

Eliana sensed the power of the choice facing her.

And, in an instant, knew exactly what she wanted.

What she had wanted for a very long time.

He pulled his head away from her and gazed down into her eyes. His dark pools were filled with expectation, and with the desperate need for an answer.

Eliana reached up and slid her hand around his neck, feeling his hair against her fingers. Then she smiled briefly at him and pulled his head down to her again.

Once more his lips took possession of her. She felt his hand ease across the front of her dress. He cupped one of her breasts and she gasped. His finger caressed the area around a nipple, bringing it to an instant peak. Eliana moaned as pleasure tingled through her.

His tongue tormented her and his lips were warm and sweet and hungry. She wanted more of this. All thought emptied from her mind. All she sensed was the pure sensation of Kadeem's body and everything he seemed determined to do to her.

Then he groaned once more and, with a sudden gesture, lifted his head up and swept her up into his arms. Eliana felt her weight settle into his powerfully muscled arms.

Then he quickly carried her across the room. His strides were urgent and purposeful. There was no doubt in his mind what was about to happen. And there was no hesitation in her own mind, either. She wanted this.

She caught sight of herself in the reflection from the darkened windows. She seemed so small, held like this in his powerful embrace.

Then he kicked a door open, impatience overwhelming him. They were in a bedroom. By the small, dim light in the ceiling she saw the huge double bed, a walk-in wardrobe to the left and a table and chairs on the right.

But it was the bed that seized her attention. Butterflies took to life in her belly as she glanced at the bed.

He set her down. She stood at the side of the bed and he brusquely tugged at her dress, silent and demanding. She unfastened it as fast as she could and within moments it lay on the floor.

Kadeem freed himself from his white shirt, which was quickly discarded. She gasped as she gazed upon his muscled torso. The ridged contours of his belly. His broad shoulders and powerfully formed arms. The thickness of the dark hair that traced a wide line down the center of his torso. He drew in a deep breath, his chest filling out to its full proportions. She sensed his power and promise.

He slid his arms around her waist and drew her against him. The heat of his skin felt as if it would burn her. As if it would set her on fire.
