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Alongside Eliana and Kadeem were both sets of parents. Azem and Gretchen stood next to Eliana. Zaeed and Nalini stood next to Kadeem. It was all very organized, she told herself. Everyone held a glass of champagne. Any moment now, Kadeem was going to make his big announcement.

Just thinking about that made her nerves jangle. She'd tried to speak with him earlier. Tried to get a sense of what he was going to say. This wasn't like an ordinary relationship. She knew that. Normally she'd have expected him to propose to her, prior to announcing a formal engagement.

But that wasn't how royals did things, she reflected. No. They had special rules of their own. Rules that were often mystifying and frustrating. There were protocols to follow.

She knew that Kadeem wasn't in any position to ask her before he made his announcement. It was a family thing, she told herself. It wasn't about her, or her happiness. It was about maintaining continuity with the past. With traditions that people followed as if they were written in stone.

Nevertheless, she felt unbelievably nervous. She thought about the previous night. In fact, she hadn't been able to think about anything else but that, since she'd woken up this morning in her bed in the embassy. If only all these guests knew what she and Kadeem had done, she told herself. What would they think? What would they think of the prim and proper, very demure princess?

She admitted that she did look very demure, in her elegant white gown, expertly tailored to her contours. Sayirah had arranged Eliana's hair into a neat chignon at the back of her head. She felt neat and tidy. But she also felt every nerve in her body tingling with anticipation.

Alongside her, Kadeem stood tall, dressed in a tight fitting dark suit and white shirt. She wondered why he hadn't worn a traditional white robe and headdress. Maybe he wanted this to be less formal, after all. Unlike her, he didn't look nervous. He looked resolute, even determined.

Her mother leaned closer. "You look wonderful, dear," she whispered in Eliana's ear.

"Thank you, mother," she replied.

Gretchen lifted a brow. "Don't worry," she murmured. "It'll be over soon."

For a moment, Eliana wondered if her mother knew something she didn't.

Eliana glanced at her father, who was gazing out across the heads of the guests who had gathered in front of the low platform.

Finally, Kadeem raised his hand and the voices of the guests quietened immediately.

"Esteemed family members and friends, welcome to our humble abode," he said with a grin.

There was a murmur of laughter from the guests. Eliana glanced across at the palace. Even though it was smaller than her home, Kadeem's family palace was still anything but humble.

"I wanted you all to come here today because I have a very special announcement to make." He turned and smiled at Eliana. "And so that you could all meet someone particularly important to me."

All eyes turned to her and she felt her face flush with embarrassment. She smiled at Kadeem.

"And, over the last few hours, I'm sure you've all had a chance to meet with her. And to discover just what a wonderful person the Princess Eliana is."

There was a ripple of polite applause from the guests. This time, Eliana's embarrassment was even more intense, and she was sure everyone had noticed the effect of his words on her.

Eliana and laid a hand on Kadeem's arm. "Stop, Kadeem. No-one wants to hear about me," she said and laughed.

Kadeem shook his head. "I'm only just getting started," he declared.

He gazed into her eyes and she saw huge affection in that look. Eliana looked past Kadeem and saw his mother, Nalini smiling warmly at her. Next to Nalini, Kadeem's father was peering at Eliana steadily.

"As you all know, the princess has come to Qazhar as an honored guest of our family. Also, I have had the good fortune to accompany the princess as she gets to know our wonderful kingdom. At least as much as is possible in a few short weeks."

Eliana nodded. "I have enjoyed it very much," she announced to the guests diplomatically. "Qazhar is a country with so much to offer."

There were more smiles of gratification from the guests. Kadeem smiled, apparently satisfied with Eliana's carefully worded intervention.

He laid a hand on his chest. "In all honesty, I cannot admit that everything has gone as perfectly as I would have hoped," he said. He spread his hands wide. "But, that is the way it has been. I suppose those are the ups and downs one must expect I a courtship."

He glanced down at Eliana. "All I can say is that Eliana has been the personification of patience with me. She has been understanding and tolerant of every one of my undoubtedly annoying character defects. I'm sure you all know what I'm talking about."

More laughter ensued and guests nodded in good-natured agreement. Eliana thought that Kadeem was exhibiting an usual modesty and humility in all of what he was saying. In some respects, it was quite unlike him to do so.

She wondered what had prompted that change in him. She glanced across at her father, seeking any reaction. But she saw none. He was as grim looking as previously.

Kadeem turned to Eliana and lifted his glass. "I'd like to propose a toast. To Princess Eliana of Zahram," he said.
