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Azem lifted his chin and peered down the length of his hooked nose at Kadeem. "And what is that?"

Kadeem gritted his teeth, preparing to say what he knew he had to say. What he must say.

"I am worthy of your daughter, sir," Kadeem stated. "And if she consents to become my wife, I will consider myself to be the most fortunate man in Qazhar." Kadeem narrowed his eyes and added: "And also the luckiest man in Zahram."

Azem's eyes widened at the mention of his own kingdom. Azem's lips tightened into a firm line. Color flared on his features. Wild fury filled Azem's eyes. Kadeem glanced down and saw the king's fists curl into tight balls.

Kadeem knew he had struck home with his bold declaration.

Azem advanced on Kadeem. He peered steadily into Kadeem's eyes. But Kadeem didn't budge an inch. He wasn't going to allow Azem to get the better of him.

Kadeem saw a flash of emotion fill Azem's eyes. For a moment, it looked as if Azem was about to explode. Then, he visibly regained his composure, as if he had remembered he was a guest in a foreign land.

When Azem spoke at last, it was with a steady, controlled voice. "Sheikh Kadeem. You speak with unusual assurance. For a man in your position."

Kadeem ignored that comment.

Azem continued. "Am I to believe that, today,you will announce your intention to propose a union between my daughter and yourself?"

Hearing it said like that, Kadeem thought it sounded like the most astonishing thing he'd ever heard. But it was true. That was exactly what he wanted to do today. It was what had kept him awake all last night after Eliana had left. He'd spent most of the night thinking how he could do that.

"It is my intention," Kadeem said, and nodded emphatically at Azem.

"In spite of my objections?" Azem retorted.

Kadeem examined Azem disbelievingly. "You would stand in my way?"

"You know I cannot," Azem replied. "Now that we are here, and now that the formal process of courtship has been gone through, you know the decision is down to you."

"And to Eliana," Kadeem replied. "She also must agree. Is that not the case?"

Azem shrugged. "You know the way this works, Sheikh Kadeem. If you wish to take possession of my daughter, then I cannot stand in your way."

Kadeem knew that the traditions had been established aeons ago. If the royal sheikh of a neighboring region wished to take the princess as his bride, then tradition dictated that he could do just that.

"You are correct, your highness. We both know the protocols," Kadeem agreed. "And, I'm sure you agree that tradition must be upheld. No matter what."

Azem scowled, as if the prospect disgusted him. "That may be the case," he said. He sneered at Kadeem and leaned his head closer. "But, I give you my word that I will do whatever I can to expose you for the inadequate man you are."

Kadeem felt heat flush his face.

Azem continued. "And you will never prove to me that you are worthy to be the husband of my precious daughter," he said. "Never."

And with that, Azem gave Kadeem one last look and stormed off across the lawn and toward the palace.

As he watched the king walk away from him, Kadeem realized one thing.

A challenge had been laid at his feet.

And he wasn't about to refuse.


Eliana stood on the platform in front of the guests, alongside Kadeem, and tried not to look nervous. The early afternoon sun blazed down upon the garden. There were about twenty guests who had come for the celebration.

But celebration of what?

Kadeem looked at Eliana and smiled. He'd seemed relaxed since arriving earlier. And he had mingled with the guests, most of whom were family friends or acquaintances. In one respect, Eliana was relieved there weren't more people in attendance. Kadeem's parents had been sensitive enough to the situation to restrict the guest list to only those closest to the family.
