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Beside her, Kadeem shifted nervously. She saw him sit up erect, and heard him draw in a deep breath and sigh.

Eliana cleared her throat and glanced at Kadeem. He looked suddenly concerned. Had he guessed what she was about to say?

This was the end, she told herself. It was time to finish the fake relationship, once and for all. It was time for the truth.

It didn't matter that it had all been arranged for them by their families. Or that it had been dictated by an ancient royal protocol stating that every four generations a marriage should be arranged between their two nations.

Eliana and Kadeem had just been the unlucky individuals chosen to act out this ridiculous charade. They both knew it had no future, didn't they?

And now the worst was happening. Both sets of parents believed that she and Kadeem were beginning to be romantically attached. But, that couldn't be farther from the truth, she told herself. As far as Eliana was concerned, they were absolutely not attached, in any way whatsoever.

In fact, the more she'd gotten to know the Royal sheikh sitting next to her, the more she knew that she and Kadeem had no chance of any future at all. Arranged or not. She and Kadeem were both of royal blood, but they were from different worlds. And those two worlds would never meet.

Their two families wanted an arranged marriage between Eliana and Kadeem.Tradition demanded it. But it wasn't going to happen.

Gretchen and Nalini were looking straight at Eliana, curiosity written across their faces.

"I know you've been watching Kadeem and I since you both so kindly suggested that we spend some time together. To see if we got along," Eliana said glancing toward Kadeem. He was staring right at Eliana, and he didn't look pleased.

"And you have been getting along," Eliana's mother said. She lifted a brow. "Haven't you?" she glanced from Eliana to Kadeem.

Not wishing to disappoint her mother, Eliana nodded. "Of course, it's been fun and interesting to get to know Kadeem," she said. Eliana glanced at Kadeem and smiled. "It has been fun, Kadeem, hasn't it?"

The corner of his mouth creased into a smile. He paused before replying. His eyes narrowed slightly. "Of course, Eliana. It's been delightful." There was a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

Eliana forced herself to ignore that response. "And I, for one, am really grateful for the chance to have gotten to know Kadeem."

Eliana glanced at Kadeem. He was staring at her, as if he couldn't quite believe what she was prepared to do. That she was actually going to put an end to this pretend romance.

Nalini leaned forward. "You know that you two look absolutely perfect together, don't you?" she said cheerily. She clapped her hands together and smiled. "Perfect."

Kadeem leaned closer to Eliana. "I've been trying to tell Eliana that for the last few weeks," he said. He frowned. "But, for some reason, she doesn't believe me. Do you, Eliana?" he said and lifted a brow.

He reached across and took her hand, squeezing it gently. She glanced down at his hand. Was he trying to stop her? Well, she wasn't going to let that happen.

All she had to say was that she and Kadeem would continue to be just good friends. And that would be the end of it. Of course there would be disappointment. Gretchen and Nalini seemed determined to make a success of the hastily arranged relationship. But, it wasn't going to work. Eliana had been telling herself that for days. And now, she was even more convinced that she had to put a stop to it.

Before it was too late.

Just as she was about to speak again, Kadeem leaned quickly toward her, wrapping his arm around her shoulders. Her body stiffened, even while a familiar treacherous sensation swept through her as she felt his arm hold, decisively, onto her.

He drew her nearer to him. "I think what Eliana's trying to say is that we're going to have an announcement to make," he said.

Kadeem looked into Eliana's eyes and smiled. She felt her heartbeat quicken.

What was he doing!

Eliana's mouth dropped open in shock. But, before she had a chance to say even one word in reply, Kadeem spoke again.

"I think everyone is going to be very happy with what we have to tell you all," he added.

Kadeem peered into Eliana's eyes and smiled. "Isn't that right, Ellie?" he said.

And it was right at that moment that she felt her heart sink, and she knew she faced a moment of truth.


"Ellie?" Kadeem prompted.
