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The sound of her familiar, shortened name made Eliana stare at Kadeem in astonishment. He'd never used that before. Not even when they'd been out together alone and getting to know each other. The only people she allowed to use that name were family and close friends.

Eliana peered at him. She was lost for words. What did he think he was doing? Hadn't this whole charade been about making sure that she and Kadeem would prove they were unsuitable for each other. That the idea of a Royal arranged marriage was ridiculous. Especially for two people who clearly didn't like each other.

And now he was changing all that. Without even asking her?

"That is exciting news, Kadeem," his mother said. Nalini glanced at Gretchen. "We can't wait. Isn't that right, Gretchen?"

Eliana's mother nodded. "It sure is." She squinted at Eliana. "You can't give us a clue?"

Before she had a chance to reply, Kadeem spoke. "We think it would be better if everyone is present. Then we can share the news."

"So it's a secret between us?" Nalini said. "I'm not sure I'm very good at keeping secrets from my husband," she said thoughtfully. "But, I'll try."

Eliana turned her face to Kadeem so that neither mother could see her true expression. "But, Kadeem, didn't we agree we weren't going to say anything?" she said trying to contain the acid in her voice. "At least, not right now. I mean, it's all been so sudden," Eliana said. She turned and smiled at her mother. "A whirlwind romance."

"The best kind," her mother replied. "Your father and I had much the same situation when I came to Zahram."

Eliana's mother had come to her father's country as a nanny, twenty-four years ago, and had ended up marrying the young ruler and heir to the country's throne.

Kadeem grinned sardonically at Eliana. "We just couldn't keep it to ourselves," he stated.

Both mothers looked very pleased with Kadeem's announcement. Eliana didn't grudge her mother the simple satisfaction she could so clearly see written on Gretchen's features.

But, Eliana wanted only one thing. To speak with Kadeem once they were alone. It wasn't too late to stop him, she told herself. He seemed possessed by some crazy idea that she and Kadeem could forge a real relationship.

Or, even worse.

That they could contemplate a marriage. She bristled at that thought. It was completely out of the question. She knew it, and he had admitted it to her on more than one occasion.

Tea had been requested when Kadeem had arrived in his helicopter, and was finally brought. The conversation continued for a while, until eventually Kadeem stood and looked down at Eliana. "Would you care to join me for a walk in the garden, Ellie?" he asked.

She wished he'd stop using that name. Eliana gazed up at him. "Sure." She glanced across at Gretchen and Nalini. "You don't mind, do you?"

Both women smiled broadly, seemingly satisfied with the proceedings. "You two dash off," Gretchen said. "I'm sure you've got lots to say to one another. Lots to plan."

Eliana felt a heavy feeling in the pit of her stomach. But, on this occasion, Eliana had to agree completely with her mother.

There was plenty she wanted to say to Kadeem.


Outside in the garden, Kadeem walked slowly alongside Eliana. He could hear the pleasant sound of birds and feel the warm sun against his skin. He gazed out across the wide expanse of the garden. Away in the distance, he could see the high wall. Beyond that was the desert. Peace and solitude.

For a moment, he was seized with the idea of taking Eliana out there with him. They could be alone there. Truly alone. Away from all the trappings of palace life. Away from any interference.

Kadeem glanced back toward the palace. He was sure anything he and Eliana said to each other could still be heard from there. He knew he had to wait before speaking. There was too much to say. And he was sure Eliana had some pretty important things to say to him. She'd looked astonished at his intervention back there, he told himself. But he'd had to stop her.

He'd had no choice.

They walked past the helicopter, but Eliana didn't even give it a look. She never had been impressed by any of his toys, he reflected. That was so like her. She was indifferent to symbols of wealth. Of course, that made sense. Being a princess, she had never wanted for anything.

Eliana was silent as she walked by his side, as if she understood it was too soon to talk. Or maybe she was just so angry with him that she had been left speechless.

Kadeem thought about what he'd just done. It was simple. He'd just averted a catastrophe. Because he'd guessed what Eliana had been about to say.

She had been about to end the entire courtship. Declare it over. And he'd decided he couldn't allow that. Not right now. Not while there was so much left unresolved. At least as far as he was concerned.

Kadeem glanced at Eliana as they walked. As always when he was alone with her, he felt need shift inside him as he drank in the sight of her astonishing beauty. Like her American mother, Eliana had even, pretty features. A pert nose was set in a perfectly oval shaped face with high cheekbones and full lips. Blonde hair tumbled down to settle at her shoulders.
