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"And there are many traditions which have developed over the centuries," Azem continued. "Some of those traditions have been beneficial to all concerned. They have fostered great alliances, some of which have lasted until this day," he said.

Again there was another ripple of polite applause.

Eliana turned to Kadeem. She wanted to see how he was reacting to this speech. If he was worried at all, he certainly wasn't showing any sign of it. He was listening intently to her father's words.

Eliana glanced up at her father. He looked down at her and she saw a sudden seriousness take hold of his features.

"However, I come to you today in possession of a heavy heart. One that has witnessed, first hand, another side of those valued traditions. Witnessed how it can result in outcomes for all concerned which are less than desirable."

Eliana's heart skipped a beat. What was he doing? This was what he had been leading to all along?

Azem continued. "I speak of the manner in which marriages can be contracted." He frowned and added, sourly: "Arranged, if you like."

Next to her, Eliana felt Kadeem straighten in his seat. She saw him glare at Azem.

"Let me say that I understand the importance of following tradition. Everything we value has its roots in our customs which have been formed by wise individuals over the course of centuries. It is not for us to deny them their place in our modern world."

Eliana felt her heart sink. Her father was going to say something which would shame them all. Hadn't she asked him not to do that? Did he not understand how important all of this was to his daughter? What was driving this destructive impulse? She couldn't make sense of it.

It was clear that Azem wasn't going to be prevented from stating his case. Eliana wanted to do anything to intervene. Anything that would stop this from getting worse.

"While I respect the esteemed sheikh who has come to be among us, I have to admit to a certain hesitation when it comes to endorsing the reason for his visit."

Now it was going to happen. He was going to destroy his daughter's happiness because of some unspoken, ill-advised prejudice against Kadeem. Eliana had to force herself to remain seated. She fought to mask her emotions, maintaining a fixed, impassive expression on her features. She knew the guests were all watching her, judging her reaction. But, she wasn't going to give them the satisfaction of a scandal.

"The sheikh from Qazhar undoubtedly possesses many fine qualities. And, I will admit, his family, while living in relatively modest circumstances compared to those my daughter is accustomed to, are very fine people. I enjoyed much of what I partook of while I was there."

Azem was clearly getting into his stride, now. Eliana recognized the confident tone she could hear in his voice. It was the way he spoke when he had a submissive and cooperative audience. And, as she looked out at the rapt faces, she saw that, at this moment, he certainly had such an audience in the palm of his hand.

"So, I come to the real purpose of my brief speech," Azem said. He glanced toward Kadeem, the first time he'd done so since standing up. "What can I say about Sheikh Al Kharif?" Azem's mouth turned downward and his brows furrowed. "I don't know, really," he said casually. "He certainly has staked a claim with my daughter. And, it appears my daughter is most taken with him. Of that there can be no doubt."

Azem smiled at the audience. "Affections can work in quite mysterious ways, can they not."

If he thought he was being humorous, or even mocking, there were few amongst the guests who agreed, judging by the very small number who even tried to laugh at that remark.

Eliana saw her mother move. Gretchen leaned toward Azem and tugged gently on the edge of his jacket. "Dear. Won't you let someone else say something?" she said to Azem quietly.

Azem looked down at his wife and seemed momentarily confused. He shook his head abruptly.

He appeared about to reply to Eliana's mother, when suddenly, Eliana sensed a sharp movement next to her. She turned and saw Kadeem rising to his feet. Her mouth opened in shock. What was he doing? Didn't Kadeem know that royal protocol dictated that no-one could interrupt a member of the royal family while they were making a public speech?

Kadeem peered across at Azem. Eliana saw that almost every one of the guests was peering straight at Kadeem. She looked at her father. His eyes were wide with incredulity and the color of his face had changed.

Eliana turned to Kadeem again, and briefly considered advising him to sit down. But he seemed determined to remain standing.

Then he spoke: "I am grateful to his highness for those kind words," Kadeem said. He smiled at Azem. "It was a pleasure to welcome him and his wonderful family to Qazhar." Kadeem glanced down at Eliana and grinned. "And it gave me the chance to meet his daughter. As you can imagine, that alone has made me a very happy man."

Azem coughed and glared at Kadeem. He seemed about to interrupt Kadeem when once again, Gretchen tugged gently on the lower edge of his jacket and squinted at him to sit down. Azem sighed heavily and nodded, taking his seat.

Immediately there were murmurs from the guests. They had witnessed something they'd never seen before. Judging by some the expressions Eliana could see, some guests were shocked by this turn in events.

Eliana gazed up at Kadeem. Now that he was standing on his own, facing the finest in Zahram society, Kadeem seemed unfazed. He peered out across the heads of the elite in her country. There was confidence in his demeanor, and for a moment, she felt proud of him.

"I am grateful for the welcome and hospitality which has been provided to me here. What Eliana's father has just said is quite true. There are many differences between our two countries. And, many differences between our two families," Kadeem said.

He glanced down at Eliana. "But all of those have faded into nothing in the face of this very precious princess who has taken hold of my affections. And my heart," he said.

Eliana felt her face flush and she smiled up at him. She heard murmurs of approval from some of the guests.
