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"I believe this engagement symbolizes the best that our two nations can bring into the world. Co-operation. Mutual benefit." He smiled at Eliana again. "And a deep and growing affection which transcends all that separates us."

Eliana glanced at her mother and saw that Gretchen's eyes were moistening. Beyond her, Eliana saw her father's still stern features.

"On a more personal note, I would like to declare something very important to me. And, I believe to, Princess Eliana. I know this arrangement is rooted in traditions, and to some it may seem nothing more than obeying the necessity of following those traditions," Kadeem said and glanced toward Azem. "But, I can assure you that my intentions are honorable and my affections are genuine. They go beyond mere necessity and are deeply felt and sincerely held."

Eliana saw the heads of some guests nodding an agreement. It seemed that some, at least, appreciated what Kadeem had just declared. And had believed him.

"Whatever shortcomings others may believe I possess, I can assure you all that my thoughts are only for Eliana and for the mutual benefit which can emerge from our future union," Kadeem said. "Thank you, "he concluded. Bowing his head, he sat down and sighed. A general hubbub of voices started up immediately Kadeem sat down.

Eliana leaned closer to him. "That was amazing, Kadeem," she said. "Those were such generous words," she said cautiously and, she knew, diplomatically.

Kadeem's brows furrowed. He smiled and glanced over her shoulder, toward Azem. "I had to say them."

Azem stood quickly and the guests fell silent. Azem lifted his glass. "I propose a toast to our esteemed guest, by whose wise words we have just been entertained."

The joke fell flat. Again, it was her father's feeble attempt at covering up his discomfort.

"To Sheikh Kadeem," Azem declared in a voice which filled the room.

Eliana lifted her glass and sipped the champagne. Next to her, Kadeem did the same. There was a mischievous darkness in his eyes as he gazed at her across the lip of his glass. Did he think he'd just won some kind of victory? Had that even been well-advised? Only time would tell, she told herself.

What she knew for sure was that she felt proud of how Kadeem had literally stood up for himself in the face of a possible public humiliation. It had been like watching the battle of wills between two titans, neither of whom were willing to back down.

Next to her, Gretchen leaned in front of Eliana. "Well spoken, Kadeem. That took some courage," she said.

"Thank you, Gretchen," Kadeem replied.

Gretchen smiled at Eliana. "Nice words," she said to Eliana.

Eliana nodded. "They were," she agreed.

But she didn't feel that at all. They had been dangerous words and she couldn't wait to discover their fallout.


Every guest had left, and now the main activity in the palace centered around clearing up the reception hall. Dozens of servants busied themselves with restoring order.

For the last half hour, Eliana and Kadeem had stood alongside Eliana's parents, saying goodnight to the guests as they left. Now they were all gone. Normality had returned to the palace.

Eliana and Kadeem walked upstairs after bidding farewell to her parents. As she walked alongside Kadeem, Eliana was acutely aware that, from the bottom of the staircase, their progress was probably being carefully observed by her mother and father.

She turned and looked down as she made her way to the top of the stairs. The expressions on her parents' faces couldn't have been more different. Her mother was smiling warmly, as she'd been doing all evening. Next to her, Azem's expression wasn't hostile, as Eliana had expected. Surprisingly, he looked more thoughtful than he'd been earlier in the evening.

Eliana recalled how her father had behaved after Kadeem had spoken. He'd seemed withdrawn, almost reflective. Eliana had wondered if Kadeem's speech had had an effect on Azem. Perhaps it had made him reconsider how he regarded Kadeem. If so, then Kadeem had to be praised for taking such a chance, for making such a bold move.

She and Kadeem reached the top of the stairs. They paused and waved one last time to her parents, who made their way toward the sitting room.

Once they were out of sight, Kadeem turned and faced Eliana. "What now?" he asked.

She lifted a brow and tilted her head. "What do your mean?"

"Your room is that way," he said glancing over her shoulder. He turned and faced in the opposite direction. "Mine is there."

"I think keeping us apart was the general idea," she said brightly.

"Isn't that just cruel?" he asked, the corner of his mouth curling mischievously.

He moved closer to her. She felt her heart quicken as she watched him advance toward her. She glanced nervously back down the staircase. Just in case they were being observed. She was relieved to see that no-one was down there. At the moment.
