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Temptation flared into exquisite life within her. His gaze was dark and utterly irresistible. Any moment now, he would kiss her. She knew that. But, here, at the top of the stairs, it was too public. Too risky.

He hesitated, as if he'd seen the doubt in her eyes. Then he reached down and took her hand. Before she knew it, he'd pulled her forward. Then she was racing behind him, trying to keep up. Her heels clacked on the marble floor as they headed down the corridor. Toward his room.

For a moment, she considered stopping. Considered telling him that what he wanted was impossible. But then she told herself it was exactly what she wanted too, she told herself. She'd wanted to be close to him all evening. And now she was being given the chance.

His pace quickened, as if impatience had taken hold of him. Her breath became faster and she had to suppress the urge to let out an exuberant giggle.

Then, she stumbled slightly. He halted and turned to her. She gathered the lower length of her dress, bunching it in her fingers. She looked at him and smiled.

And then they were off again, racing down the corridor like two teenagers eager to find a private place where they could both take what they needed from each other.

They reached the door to his room. With his free hand he thrust the door open. She followed him into the room, knowing what this was going to lead to. The last thing she did before following him into the room was glance both ways down the length of the corridor.

No witnesses. At least that was some consolation, she told herself. Did that mean she felt guilty about what she was doing? Taking what she wanted? What she needed.

She took one look at Kadeem, at his ravenous expression, and told herself she knew the answers to those questions.

The door slammed shut behind her and she raced into his arms. He enfolded her in his fierce embrace. His lips crashed down, hungrily, upon hers. She gasped as ecstasy swept through her. All the tensions of the evening had been let loose in one single instant. His tongue probed her mouth, sweeping her into another place of pleasure. The place she realized she'd missed so much since the last time they'd made love.

Because, she knew that was what was going to happen. It was what she wanted. And, judging by the wildness of his need, Kadeem needed this too.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and tilted her head, opening herself up to him. She felt his firmness pressing against her. He ran his hands down her side, all the way to the curves of her hips.

Then, suddenly he pushed, and she stepped backwards and, before she knew what had happened, she was up against the wall. He pressed hard against her, lifting her up. His lips continued to drive her wild. Her tiara crashed to the floor at her feet, sliding away from them. But she didn't care about that, now. Something uncontrollable had been unleashed and she wasn't going to do anything to hold it back.

Eliana felt his hands bunching her dress, dragging it upward, exposing her legs. She curled one leg around him, pulling him harder against her body. He responded to that gesture instantly. His kiss became even more urgent, his touch firmer, shifting across her curves, igniting heat at her core.

Then, Eliana felt his hand slide up the length of her torso, and he cupped one of her breasts. The peaks of her nipples hardened beneath her dress. He shifted, pressing his own hardness against her core, seeking closeness.

Need ached in her middle as sensation flamed throughout her body. Every nerve was alight, eager and impatient.

Kadeem's breathing was harsh and fast. His scent intoxicated her with its intensity. The heat of his body matched the flame of her own desire.

Then his hand slid up the length of her inner thigh. She savored the sensation of his rough skin against the softness of her own tender skin. In an instant, his fingers were at her core, exploring, probing.

She gasped. Her pulse raced, filling her ears with the sound of its relentless pounding. Aching need throbbed at her core. Impatience took hold of her as his fingertips teased her, touching her gently. She shifted her hips, opening herself up to him.

Eliana felt her panties being eased to one side. Then his fingertips traced a circle about her most sensitive place. Fireworks ignited behind her eyes as she felt the ecstasy sweep through her body.

Kadeem was an expert at this. He'd shown her before that he knew just how to take her toward a distant peak. One she could sense already, feeling the desperation that came with his every slow movement.

As he caressed her nub, his lips fed upon her, his tongue finding new ways to drive her mad with need. She submitted to the total pleasure which engulfed her. Waves of sensation swept through her as he pressed closer, as he moved his fingers, as he took what he wanted.

As he gave her what she needed.

Tension was building up inside her. She could feel the twisting pressure growing, sense that, at any moment now, the explosive release would take hold of her and throw her into ecstasy.

Kadeem seemed to sense her need for release. He quickened his movements, increased the hunger in his kiss.

Then, with one more expert stroke, one tender, but emphatic movement, she felt the wave crash against her. Every part of her body seemed to melt, nerves quivering, heat flooding through her. She cried out, not caring whether her voice was heard. She just had to give free reign to the release.

Eliana held onto Kadeem, fearing she would tumble. He leaned closer, embracing her tenderly and firmly as her ecstasy coursed through her body. It seemed to go on forever. Just like it had done before, back in Qazhar.

Finally, the sensation faded, leaving her in his arms, basking in the glow of the warm delight.

Kadeem simply held her, gazing into her eyes. There was deep affection there, she told herself. She could trust this man. He had stormed into her life, and now nothing would ever be the same again.

Her breathing slowed and her heartbeat started to return to some kind of normality.
