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But, it was her eyes which always amazed Kadeem. They were icy blue, like Arctic shards, which only made her frequent flashes of fiery passion even more alluring.

She was a head less tall than him. Her body was full and tempting. Her legs were long and her hips deliciously wide. She wore a plain white dress and flat shoes. Her arms were bare, as were her legs below the knee-length hem of her dress.

She carried herself with a haughty demeanor. Eliana was every inch a princess. And she could be his princess. If he wanted. If he won the coming battle. Because he knew that if he was to get what he wanted, he would have to fight.

Her mouth suddenly set into a cute pout which she did whenever she was angry. With her brows furrowed, and her jaw set tight, she looked unbelievably attractive.

He recalled the first time he'd seen her like that, and the effect it had had on him. It had been on their first real date together, in an exclusive restaurant in Qazhar city.

He'd made a casual, and probably, careless remark about her country. She had reacted instantly, and very badly. The look she'd given him had taken him completely by surprise.

Fury mingled with indignation.

But then something curious had happened. The next time she'd done it, after another of his off the cuff remarks, she'd done it again. Her gaze had burned into him.

This time, he'd felt the instant stirrings of desire. Delicious need had been ignited in his body.

Just by one defiant look.

It was unusual for a woman to defy him. It wasn't something he was used to. But, somehow, with this particular woman, this Princess, defiance created a different reaction in Kadeem. It only made him want her more. Made him need her with an urgency that almost shocked him.

So, he'd spent most of the last few weeks trying to contain that desire. It hadn't been easy. Especially since they'd been acting out this charade that they hated each other.

Kadeem felt no hate for this feisty princess. Quite the contrary.

However, it was clear that the beautiful Princess from Zahram wasn't about to take any nonsense from the Royal Qazhar Sheikh into whose world she had been placed by her family with the prospect of an arranged royal marriage.

Because that was what was going on.

He and Eliana had been thrust together. Forced into each others' arms. Two strangers who were being pushed into a supposed love match.

Except that, from the start, just over a month ago, it had been clear there was no love between himself and Eliana. At least in the early days, Kadeem reflected.

But, all that had changed. As the weeks had gone by, and as they'd spent more time together, Kadeem had found himself deeply, intensely attracted to Eliana. In spite of her obvious faults, and they were many, something had taken hold of him. And now, all he could think of was her. All he wanted was to claim her.

Own her. Possess her.

But there was a serious drawback.

Princess Eliana apparently detested Kadeem. It was that simple. It seemed she was disgusted by the whole idea of an arranged marriage. Particularly one which had been dictated by some scribblings in an ancient scroll that hardly anyone paid attention to any more.

And, from the start of the courtship, because that was what it was, she had made her feelings known in no uncertain terms.

To begin with, neither of them had wanted anything to do with it. This had been an idea about which both of their two families had been enthusiastic right from the start. Zahram was a kingdom which bordered on Qazhar. The two countries had good relations. Other such marriages had taken place before, over the centuries. So there was a tradition of such arrangements.

Eliana and her entourage had visited Qazhar and introductions had been made. And, before he knew it, Kadeem had had a conversation with his parents during which it had been made very clear to Kadeem that a marriage to Princess Eliana would be beneficial for everyone concerned.

Except for himself, Kadeem had concluded after agreeing to further dates with the Princess.

And certainly not for the Princess.

He'd gone along with it to begin with, just to make everyone happy, he'd told himself. He'd believed nothing would come of it.

But he had been wrong. So very wrong.

Kadeem paused and Eliana halted alongside him. He glanced back toward the palace. He saw Gretchen and Nalini watching them from the terrace. He looked into Eliana's eyes, seeing the emotion shimmering there. "You look like you want to say something to me," he said.

She nodded sharply. "I do," she replied. Her eyes narrowed sternly.
