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"He wants me to be happy, Kadeem. I told him the truth."

Kadeem lifted a brow. "You did?"

Eliana nodded. "He knows I love you."

Kadeem's soul sang as he heard her say those words. There was a long pause. The gentle desert breeze shifted her blonde hair across her cheek. She looked exquisite, he told himself. He'd never seen her so happy in all the time he'd known her.

"Can this be true?" he asked, barely able to comprehend what she was telling him.

"It is true," she said gently. "Your place is with me in Zahram. Everyone understands that, now."

He drew her closer to him. "My beloved," he murmured. "You know how much I adore you. How much I love you. How much you mean to me."

Eliana's features flushed and her eyes brightened.Kadeem claimed her mouth with another kiss. When their lips parted, he could see the emotion sweeping through her.

"Come back," Eliana whispered. "Return to Zahram with me."

He frowned. "I won't be welcome," he objected softly.

She shook her head. "All of that is over, Kadeem. You will be my husband and I will be your wife. Only that matters. Nothing else." She seemed so assured. So confident that he would agree.

He thought for a few moments, weighing up her words. Could it be possible? Had fate overturned everything and brought Eliana back to him? He felt suddenly humble. Who was he to reject this offer from destiny?

Something primal shifted inside him, a sudden resolution that allowed him to see reality in a crystal clear fashion.

This was the woman he wanted. She was his beloved. Their future awaited.

He kissed her gently on the forehead. "My Princess," he murmured. "My love. Forever."

She lifted her chin and gazed into his eyes. "My Sheikh and my prince to be," she stated. "My love. For all time."

And then they kissed again, beneath the desert sky.

