Page 21 of Wanting the Winger

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I love how he’s not pretending our kiss was average, because there was nothing fucking average about what we just shared. My knees are still weak from it.

“Wow,” I echo back, returning his smile.

He takes hold of my hand, studying it before his eyes meet mine. “Will you go out with me again?”

It takes a few seconds for his question to register. And when it does, part of me thinks I must be hallucinating or imagining he wants to spend more time with me. Darius is strikingly handsome and well mannered. Although we haven’t spoken in detail about his job, the truck he drives and the amount he spent to have Brutus groomed, lead me to believe he’s successful. What could he possibly gain by dating me, a single mom who hasn’t been on a date in years?

“Evie,” he calls my name, pulling me from my musing. When he sees he has my full attention, he gives my hand a gentle squeeze. “I’d really like to take you out again. What do you say?” His dark eyes stare earnestly into mine.

I nod. “I’d like that.”

“Do you work tomorrow?” he asks.

“No, I have Sundays off.”

“I don’t want to take you away from Tillie, so how about I pick you up after her bedtime?”

“That would be perfect.” There are nights when I’m working late and don’t get home before she’s asleep. I like to be there to kiss her goodnight as often as I can.

He releases my hand, then passes me his phone. “Add your number and address, please.”

I type in my information and give his phone back.

His thumbs rapidly tap against the screen before I hear the beep of my own text alert. Tugging my phone from my back pocket, I glance at the screen.

Unknown:Hi, beautiful.

“Now you have my number too,” he says.

“Oh, that was you?” I joke, looking up at him.

“Feel free to call or text me anytime you want,” he tells me.

“I’m not big on talking on the phone, but I might be inspired to text you depending on how my day is going.”

“I’m going to warn you now, I’m a fan of texting, so don’t be surprised if you hear from me before tomorrow night.”

“Thanks for the warning.” I wink, pushing my phone down into my pocket.

Darius retrieves the pizza box from the bench and captures my hand once more. “Let’s head back.” We take our time, walking slowly. It seems as though neither of us is in a hurry for our time together to be over.

When we finally reach the parking lot, he escorts me to the driver’s side of my car.

“I’ll touch base with you tomorrow,” he says.

“Sounds good.”

Leaning down, he presses a soft, slow kiss to my lips, then steps back to open my door. I slip behind the wheel and turn the key in the ignition.

“Drive safe,” he calls out as he closes my door. I watch him walk over to his truck, all the while checking out his backside. And I’m happy to note it’s one hundred percent as appealing as the rest of him.

Pulling out of my parking space, I beep the horn as I pass behind his truck. I drive all the way home with a smile so wide, my cheeks are sore by the time I arrive.



“And Alyssanever told a lie again. The end.” Ryan closes the book, setting it on Tillie’s nightstand.
