Page 22 of Wanting the Winger

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My eyes land on the large digital numbers displayed on her clock. I’ve got forty-five minutes until Darius picks me up, and I haven’t even showered yet. Of course tonight of all nights, my stubborn little daughter would be awake later than usual.

“Can you read another one?” Tillie asks.

“Okay, it’s time to go to sleep,” I say, cutting off any chance of Ryan picking up another book.

“Your mom’s right. You have school in the morning. It’s time to get some sleep.” He leans over, pressing a kiss to her forehead. “I love you, Tillie Bug.”

“I love you too, Daddy.”

Ryan moves back and I slide in to press another kiss on her forehead. “I love you so much. Sleep tight and I’ll see you in the morning.”

“Can I sleep in my other room tomorrow night?” she asks, referring to her bedroom on my side of the duplex.

I brush a blonde strand of hair from her forehead. “Yep. I’m working during the day, so I’ll be home early.” I know to some people the arrangement Ryan and I have would seem unorthodox, but it works for Tillie, and that’s what matters. Living in this duplex allows us to be as close as two exes can without being romantically involved. Tillie sees both of her parents together every single day, and even better, she sees us getting along. This is all she’s ever known, so for her, this is the norm.

“Night, night,” I say before I slip into the hallway and wait for Ryan to finish saying goodnight. “All set?”

He nods. “I think she’s finally ready to sleep.”

“Thank God,” I say, moving away from her room and hurrying down the stairs with Ryan right behind me. “I have to go get ready for my date. I don't know where we’re going. I don’t know what to wear. I don’t—”

“Relax.” Ryan gently squeezes my upper arms. “This isn’t your first date. I’m pretty sure I was there for that.” He smiles.

“Yeah, you were there for it, all right. And the fifteen-year-old version of me was just as nervous that night as the adult one is now.” I release a loud sigh.

“It’s okay to be nervous. That means you’re excited, right?”

“Yeah, I am, but I’m also fucking nervous.”

He laughs. “Calm down. You’re a grown woman who’s a mother. You’ve had years of life experiences since we went on our first date. Think of how much more you have to talk about now than you did back then.”

“That’s a good point in theory, but it doesn’t help if my brain goes numb and I can’t remember anything to say.”

His hands slide down to grip both of mine. “When have you ever been at a loss for words?”

When I’m staring at Darius Kastellanos’s perfectly handsome face.

“Evie?” Ryan prods me to answer.

“Darius is breathtakingly good looking. He’s got stop-you-in-your-tracks kind of looks.” I wave my hand from my head to my toes. “And I’m… me.”

“I happen to think you’re pretty fucking fabulous.” Ryan’s always quick to remind me of my self-worth.

“I know you do. But you’re a gay man, who likes taut abs and dick.”

He shrugs. “Guilty. But as a man, I still have an appreciation for the female form, and you are beautiful. Everyone can see that, except you.”

“You’re so sweet.” Tugging my hands free of his hold, I wrap my arms around his lean waist and rest my cheek on his chest. “Why did you have to realize you’re gay? We could’ve had a great life together.”

His chest bounces under me from laughter. “Wehavea great life together, Evie. We’ll always be best friends. I think you and I both know it’s time for you to get out there and date.”

I look up at him and arch a brow. “What about you?”

“That’s a little more complicated, and I’ll get there in time.”

“How do you figure? Because of Tillie?”

“Of course. She’s always at the forefront of every decision I make.”
